Chapter 15

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Shadows's POV

It's hard work fucking countless bitches. People just seem to think that sex is such easy work but honestly it's not always. Who the fuck am I even trying to kid? I love what I do. Endless bags of money and ass as far the eye can see. No one to text you what you doing, nobody checking your phone, nobody there to steal what's yours. And best thing of all for a guy like me, getting to sleep the fuck in. The only reason I'm even awake right now is because the beautiful smell of Chef's cupcakes are wafting through the air. Down the stairs I go, chasing the smell with intense lust for the potential baked goods waiting in the kitchen. Once I step foot at the bottom of the stairs, I turn left and I'm able to peer into the kitchen. From this angle I can see Chef and hear his laugh carrying through the halls. Though right now he has his comforting fatherly voice on. I can only assume there's one person he's talking to with that tone.

"Hey Chef, keep your hands to yourself."

Our loud laughter fills the open kitchen. I see Melissa out of the corner of my eye and see her shoulders relaxed. It's a nice moment to see that she's not constantly terrified with any and everything.

"Fuck you youngin. I have more game than you and you know it."

"Hey Melissa, looks like you met Chef. He's a crazy old geezer but we love keeping around as our sense of community service."

One of the few smiles I do crack breaks across my face, talking about the man that has been such an influential person in all of our lives. I saw Chef flip me off and I smile wider knowing the action is meant with almost fatherly love. It is also at this moment that I glance at Melissa and see a bright red mark on the side of her face.

"What the fuck is that on your face?"

In all of her innocence she doesn't even think I'm talking to her. She glances up at Chef worrying about the man.

"That's a handprint. Who did that to you?"

The question is met with silence and a down turned head.

"It's nothing. I think I just slept funny."

As soon as she finished the incredibly poor lie, I turned her in the seat to face me squarely and looked intently into her eyes. The bruise was massive, covering literally half of her face. The injury was so brutal I genuinely feel for her, especially considering how far along she was actually advancing with coming out of her shell.

"Now you tell me exactly who did this to you. You are claimed by Rev which means he is the only man in this fucking galaxy that can do anything to you. And I know for a certified fact that he would never do this to any female let alone you. Answer me Melissa, who did this to you?"

It was clear that she was cracking under the pressure of my glaring.

"I don't know his name. It wasn't you or Rev or Gates."

My mind was processing the information. Of course it wasn't Rev, those two had started becoming pretty close actually. I for fuck's sure knew I'm not slapping her around. She said it wasn't Gates, he might be an asshole but he's not abusive. That left Christ and Vengence and I know Christ is still asleep after hearing him snore on my way down to the kitchen. Vengeance. The little fucking asswipe did this to her and probably doesn't give a fuck. Oh but he will especially when Rev gets ahold of him. I got choked just because Rev thought I was hitting on her, which I was but no one needs to know that. I'm almost tempted to pay him to watch how he demolishes Vengeance.

"Chef, I'm going to need you to leave."

"What! I only got to bake my cupcakes. I didn't even cook yet."

"I know Chef and I promise to make it up to you but for now please leave."

It kills me to hurt or disappoint the man but for the possible fight that was coming I needed the house to be empty except for those who live there. His slumped shoulders betray the smile he tries to plaster on his face.

"Okay I understand."

He turns his back to us and leaves the home as I turn my attention back to the problem at hand. Looking at her face, I can see how puffy the handprint is on her face. To get hit so viciously for what I'm sure was nothing, it makes me feel kinda sick.

"Why did he do this to you?"

The question erupts from my lips as I circle the countertop, grabbing a towel and placing multiple ice cubes inside. I extend it to her in hopes that the swelling will go down, if not for her sake then for Zack's sake for sure. She gingerly accepts the towel and holds it to her face, wincing as the cold hits her.

"I was in the library and he didn't want me there. I know I should stay in my room. I just got this stupid idea to go see the rest of the house."

"First and foremost it wasn't a stupid idea. You live here now and you should at least know some of the way around here. Secondly, even if you were in an area you aren't supposed to be in, that grants none of the men the ability to hit you and especially not this bad. Me and Rev are going to go discuss what to do about this. You stay here and as many cupcakes as you want, trust me Chef's sweets are to die for."

I give her another smile, knowing typically when I smile she can't help but reciprocate it. As planned her lips give way to a smile and knowing that she's at least safe for now, I ascend up the stairs and to my office phone calling Rev.

"What do you want Shadows?"

"There's been an incident. You're needed back at the mansion now."

"I'll be there in five."

Nodding my head I hang up, drop my phone on the desk and my head into my hands. These past couple of weeks have been such a fucking rollercoaster it's crazy. What had started as a normal day to collect payment from some sketchy ass dude that had a major gambling problem shifted into a swap, a clean record for his daughter. Then I shot him and if I'm going to be honest with myself there wasn't a real reason as to why I shot him. I had heard many parents say that and much worse but there was just something about watching him really lay into her while she's already on her knees begging him that just triggered me. She was so scared at first. Every sound and shape could cause her to shrink back into herself, such a shell of a person. But with Amelia and Rev talking and spending time with her, she's been letting us see pieces of her bit by bit. Just yesterday she had all of us weak laughing when Rev showed us the video of her singing to Hannah Montana. She was bouncing around her room and dancing poorly, might I add with a shitty blonde wig on, singing worse than the dancing. Very clearly we could see there was such a goofy side to her that nobody got to see, not even her. This whole incident I'm sure set her back at least ten steps in feeling not just safe but normal. Rev's heavy knocking disturbs my thoughts and our eyes lock as he prepares for the worse.

"Today there was an incident involving Melissa."

Despite the struggle I felt, I kept my tone neutral and my face stony.

"What happened?"

The immediate concern in his voice was just a reminder to how fast Rev had become attached to her and a reminder to why he felt such a need to protect her considering how not only he but all of us grew up.

"Vengeance slapped the shit out of her and I'm not sure he did more but that's just what I could see."

The man's face had immediately become red and his usually bright blue eyes had clouded from the storm of anger taking over him.

"Where is he?"

"Last I heard from the sex, his room."

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