Chapter 25

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Shadow's POV

In the days following my personal choice to earn Melissa's affection, I have been thinking of what she said about us and different ways to strengthen the bond between us. Her personality has been shining through more and more as the days go by. Her feisty comments are now becoming an expected part of conversations. Her wardrobe was growing bigger and more diverse. Gone were the days of extremely baggy shirts and pants that loosely hung on her frame. Here were the days of watching her parade around the house in admittedly very cute outfits. From some surprisingly short shorts to tie dye cut up shirts that were tied in weird but attractive ways. Of course the change wasn't one that happened over night, it's been a growth.

The first few days were still mostly pants and long shirts. However in the weeks following, she had switched to shorts that grew smaller and smaller damn near every time I saw her. The shirts grow more colorful and have interesting cuts and styles varying from just an ordinary crop top to a normal shirt with colorful sayings on them. It has truly been a wonderfully sexy journey to watch her go through.

With this growing momentum, it feels like now is my moment to truly win her over. Our connection hasn't faltered but it has begun to lose some of its shimmer. Rev has definitely taken over being the center of her fucking world, but that's because he has been unrelenting in his pursuit to get her to completely open up to him. Also probably because he has noticed that I am becoming more and more attached to her. Whispers have spread through this house that there is a certain little date planned for the two of them coming up. Of course Rev doesn't have the balls to really ask her out on a date, pushing it off as some hangout shit that won't even be for another two weeks. I have half a mind to show up to the damn fair and show her a real good time with someone not afraid to take what he wanted, well ask for what he wanted. However, the devil on my shoulder came up with an absolutely devious idea.

Fuck ruining their date. I will take her out on my own and I have the balls to call it what it is. Now it is only waiting until I can find a chance to ask her. I walk through the mansion, hoping to run into the woman who has been on my mind for days now. Though upon entry into the kitchen, my search proves fruitless. It would be embarrassing to admit that I have been wandering around the property trying to run into her and making it look natural, so I won't admit it. Truly the mental onslaught I have been through ever since she entered this building has been hell that has only intensified the longer she has been here and the more I learn about her. It is with this understanding that I can see how Rev was immediately sprung for the woman. I'm sure you'll argue that his reasons and intentions are so much more pure but at least I'm honest about me and mine.

No, I don't want any little house on the prairie type shit. I want a bitchin ass relationship with a beautiful woman who knows me and how to handle me. And just like that my prayers have yet again been answered. Standing there in the entryway to the library is the woman I want more than anything to be mine. Her short figure is dwarfed by the large book cases covering the walls. In all honesty, I have no fucking idea why we kept this fucking thing. None of us even fucking read. No we're not illiterate but when your main instruments to success in life are guns and brass knuckles you tend to not give too many damns whats in a fucking book. However this tiny creature appeared to greatly care. Her face showed so much joy at reading the words on the page. I wonder if asking her out is worth interrupting the world that she seems to be immersing herself in.

"Yes Shadows I did hear you enter this room. And also yes Shadows I am open to talking should you choose not to continue stalking me."

Her constant quick quips were new and very funny albeit a tiny bit annoying. Coming from behind the wall, I stand tall and lightly knock my hand onto her book, toppling it over and a hardy chuckle comes from me.


"What did you call me?"

"An asshat sir an asshat."

I remember a time where a question like that would've sparked at least some moderate amount of fear. Now all it does is prompt a smart mouth remark... and I love it. The challenge she now offers me is so much different than we first started this journey. When we first began this, the challenge she offered was how to turn a meek and terrified girl into a woman that would melt under my touch and desire my cock all night long. Before me is the journey of how to make this woman fall for me, not just lustfully but emotionally. It was a happy change of direction. Here and now, was my time to strike and ask her to be all mine for the night.

"If you're done being a comedy special, I would like to ask you something."

"The floor is all yours good sir."

An equally dramatic eye roll with a deep huff met her hand's dramatic sweeping motion, granting me the permission to speak.

"Me and you have been getting close recently and it has been very enjoyable. However it has only happened within the confines of our home. I would like to see you all dolled up. Even more so, I would love to show you exactly how wet your pussy can get when I get all dressed up."

Of course I knew that last comment would paint her cheeks a bright, cherry red. Leaning back in the soft, tufted arm chair more than satisfied with the slight pinking of her cheeks. The young lady who was starting to curse like a sailor was still more than a little shy when it came to sexual conversations.

" a date?"

"Yes little lady, exactly a date."

"Umm... can I think about it?"

Standing up promptly, she left the room without the furry red and black blanket that was covering her shoulders or the book that she was so deeply engrossed in just a few minutes ago. Don't get me wrong, the girl was always skittish when it came down to the nasty but I didn't think talking about a date would be such a huge turn off. Maybe my approach was a little too strong or maybe my tone held a little too much for her to feel comfortable saying yes. Well fucking great. I huff deeply, dropping my defeated arms to the sides of the chair, feeling my mood and body sink deep down. I know I agreed to this challenge and what not but it is truly infuriating to not have things go my way if I have to be completely honest. I'm going to give her some space and then I will go see if I can weasel details from Amelia. Hopefully I can find something pretty, sparkly and pricey enough for her to break their code of trust and tell me what is going through Melissa's mind. 

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