Chapter 9

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Syn's POV

Here I was again laying in bed after fucking yet another slut. There I laid watching her get ready to leave me like I was a piece of fucking trash. She can't even spare me a second glance, her eyes dead set on gathering her clothes from all over the ground. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she practically regretted fucking me. A fucking catch like me was her last resort.

"Not even staying long enough to cook me breakfast. What would your momma say about those manners?"

"Darling I only slept with you because the rest of the gang was busy and wasn't agreeing to a threesome. But please feel blessed that I was drunk enough to fuck you, it'll be the last time I ever do."

Laughing at the sudden and all consuming feeling of deja vu, I turn over hearing the door slam close. It's then that my emotions beat my ego down to the pulp that it usually is as I lay there curled up in a ball. In moments like these, the depression and pain I feel inside engulfs the walls I built.This type of rejection has become a constant in my life. My entire fucking life.

Every guy in this house has their own host of problems, theirs stemming from a bitch who can't make up whether she wants sausage or a taco all the way to the basics of pointless cheating. My problems however are so much deeper, and honestly a lot darker than I've ever revealed to any of the people in my life. Before I morph fully into a punk bitch, I hear the familiar scream of my name from Shadows. I wiped my face hoping the gesture was enough to reconstruct the walls my depression had just torn down. As I descend down the stairs in nothing but boxers, I hear the conversation coming to a stop.

Of course, it's easy to assume that I was the center of conversation. The true question was why.

"Oh don't stop on my account boys. No, please continue talking about me like some cackling bitches."

The tension in the air was thick after my direct challenge. I can't really place a finger on why I challenged the people I care for so much. Ego, pride, a need to assert some fake sense of dominance. Who in the fuck really knows but all I knew was I was gearing up for a fight. I circle the table and watch Shadows shake his head as he leaves the table.

"You know what fuck it Gates. Fuck it all to hell!"

My mind is only mildly concerned with how pissed Shadows is with me. Truthfully they've all been putting up with my shit for so long that I doubt he even cares anymore. I was about to swivel on my heel to go back to bed, that is until the sight of thick, chocolate thighs to my left captured my eye. Those amazing thighs are followed by strong legs attached to a pair of small, soft looking feet. I'm not even a foot fetish freak but damn I'd be open to doing something extra freaky with hers. She's kneeling by the pool and the sunlight reflecting off the water is surrounding her like some kind of complete body halo. Suddenly the testosterone in my body is shooting from wanting a fight to wanting to fuck. Before I can even process my train of thought, my feet are walking to the beauty. It's not until I reach the pool tables right outside the backyard doorway before coming to my senses about who is the beauty. I had completely been taken over by the sight of her I neglected to identify who she was. Now standing there a fucking moron and no other option besides looking even stupider and turning around, I take a seat in the beige wicker chair. Fucking great! Now I'm over here sitting by this damn pool trying and fucking failing to not look like a creep as I stare at this girl.

Then piece by piece I see the scars covering her legs. It almost seems like it will never end. The bruises are the only thing giving the scars a break on her skin. My brain has never been one to be a straight A student but I thought it would at least be smart enough to tell me to get up and go before Rev caught me, or worse she did. But, to my pleasant surprise she almost looked enchanted by the water. I couldn't see the look in her eyes but the way she gently shifted positions and placed her feet in the water. The way she almost gently swished each of her feet made me think this might be her first time in a pool. Knowing the childhood she had, it wasn't that hard to picture that assumption being true. As all good things must come to an end a sneeze from me alerted her to my presence. Immediately I could see the tension rise in her body and her guards lock up. She pulled her legs from the water and stood with urgency. As she began to walk towards the house, my mind began to spiral. I didn't want her to leave. This was the first time I had been with a woman that wasn't looking at me like a second choice or pathetic last resort. I know it sounded pathetic and maybe even crazy but I needed her to stay here with me, even if it we weren't fucking or hell even talking just the presence of someone who didn't look down at me.


She came to a dead halt beside me. I grabbed her wrist hoping the contact was as gentle as I was trying to make it.

"Please stay here with me. You don't have to talk to me or me or even sit next to me. I just need someone to be with me. Please."

The words felt bitter coming from my lips. Begging was an action I damn sure didn't partake in. But for this moment with her, I would swallow my pride. She nodded her head and turned around to perch back on the pool ledge, allowing her legs to dip back in the pool. Her face was still deadpan but the tension was ever so slowly evaporating. It may be twisted but I needed this and it wasn't like I held a gun to her head. I had asked and she complied. My mind and spirit felt some kind of relief wash over me. What had started out as a plan to be there for five or maybe even ten minutes had evolved into forty. The original plan to leave soon was going smoothly until I saw the tension dropping from her. It was almost like she was forgetting I was there as she splashed in the water and played in an almost childlike fashion. My mind found awe not only in her beauty but her pure innocence. But where there is purity there is wickedness. Out the side gate I see Chastity enter. Odd name for the girl who prefers to have all three holes stuffed at once. It isn't long before her eyes are connecting with mine and I'm not exactly sure what the look in them says. They look horny, per usual, but there's also an edge in them. There's more of a cut to her glare, like she was suddenly infuriated by something I did.

"Hey Syn. What are you doing out here?"

"Taking in some sun. Where are you coming from?"

"The mall. I had just realized so many of my clothes have stains on them or just plain been ripped off of me. So I decided to get some new clothes. Sexy and small just like you boys like. Wanna be the first to see?"

In all my life, no woman had ever asked me to be the first to see anything. The fifth sure, the fourth is normal, third if I'm lucky, second if I win the lottery but never first. But as I stand up to take my victory in first place, I lock eyes with Melissa. Her face is guarded but her eyes haven't had the same training in hiding. They are curious but also deep in the recesses I see she's confused. It almost makes me stop in my tracks. Was she sad about me leaving? Is this a mistake? Do I even really want to fuck this chick? The questions come but the answers never do as I'm pulled into the house and to my room.

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