"He sounds like a needy girlfriend," Lexi mouthed to me.

Ah yes, Josh often felt just like that.

"I was all but calling every hospital around asking them if they had you in their list. You know you have to answer when I call Blake," Josh was ranting, and I was letting him be his ridiculous self as much as he wanted. "Jesus, you scared the living crap out of me! What the hell–"

Apparently, I had enough patience to let Josh rant, but my girlfriend didn't.

She grabbed the phone from my hand. "Hey Josh, you needy girlfriend, thanks for the concern, now will you leave us alone and stop calling every five minutes?"

"Wait, what?" I heard Josh reply.

Lexi and I were quite close after all.

"Stop calling, it's getting annoying," she repeated.

"Lexi? What the... Oh you naughty little girl. You put on your birthday present, didn't you?" Josh said, his tone cheeky.

Lexi did not look particularly pleased and passed me the phone back.

"Yeah, I'm not dealing with that," she said, making me laugh.

I pressed the phone back to my ear and told my best friend, "Again, thank you for your concern, Josh, now if you'll excuse me, I only need one needy girlfriend and she's getting annoyed with you."

"Hey!" Josh shouted immediately, but I just bid him goodbye and hung up on him, throwing my phone far away from me.

This seemed like the right move, because my girlfriend had a content smile on her face as she rested her head back on my chest and closed her eyes.

"You think he's going to call again," she asked, her voice muffled as she was pressed up against me.

I nodded, running a hand through her hair. "Most definitely."

Right on cue, my phone started to ring again.

We both groaned.

"If you shut it off, do you think he's going to come over?" Lexi asked, not looking convinced.

"Most definitely," I replied without missing a beat.

Josh was a persistent man.

"He's annoyiiiiing" Lexi whined, making me chuckle again, and holding on more tightly to her.

I'd been trying, as much as I could to not make a big deal of my barely clothed girlfriend in my arms, but it was getting harder and harder, no puns intended.

I could ignore the phone. Even if Josh did actually decide to be a pest and drive over here, it would take him a little while to get there.

I was glad he was feeling good enough to be his annoying self again.

But also. My girlfriend was in my arms right now and she had her legs pressed against mine, her fingers digging in my skin, just a thin layer of cotton between my chest and hers. And sure, no one was as obsessed about chest as Lexi Grayson was, but I wasn't exactly unaffected by hers either.

This was painful, in the best kind of way.

"I know. He probably just wants to know how good you look in the French maid outfit," I teased her, trying to keep my voice levelled.

The box was sitting there on my couch, so close yet so far.

"Oh, he's never seeing me in the French maid outfit," Lexi said, a little wickedly.

"He better," I replied and decided to just say fuck with whatever I'd been feeling lately.

Lexi wasn't Kendall. Lexi would never be Kendall.

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