Chapter 13: Diary Entries (Part 2)

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{Joey's POV}

Dear Diary,
Soo... Things haven't been going my way recently. First of all, on a positive note, I met Daniel Preda, dated him... but I'm not anymore. :( The thing is, he was getting suspicious about my good friend, Shane, who is now my current boyfriend. So while he was at my house, he went through my phone to see what Shane and I talk about over text while I wasn't in the room! I was so furious with him. I thought he loved me... But, I have a new boyfriend now, and I couldn't be happier! :) <3 all I'm wondering is why Daniel would get so jealous and go behind my back like that? Oh well... I do admit I miss him a little bit, but I guess I'll just have to get over it. That's all for now diary! See ya tomorrow!
-Joey <3

{Daniel's POV}

Dear Diary,
It's been a shitty few days for me... I lost the man of my dreams because I was a jealous son of a bitch. The man of my dreams being Joey Graceffa. I just HAD to go snooping on his phone didn't I? I didn't really think through how I was going to do that. This is all my fault. I'm sure they had nothing going on too... but they do now. I miss him a great deal, and I bet he doesn't miss me the tiniest bit, he's got his new boy toy, Shane. Well, I suppose I should move on... Connor Franta is free right?... What?.. I have a thing for hot YouTubers...
That's all for now diary


YAY!!! Another diary entry! I should do these more often! What do you think? Almost 4k reads!! yayayaya! Thank you guys so much! Also, go check out @cutesalut! She's my best friend and she writes really awesome Supernatural stories! Go give her some love will ya?! I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story! I love you all sooyyyyy latte much!! ❤

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