The guy on the bus

Start from the beginning

Minho shrugged. "Sure."

The studio was an hour away from their shared dorm. On reaching there, they entered the room to see six people doing random nonsense in various degrees of chaotic-ness.

"What. The. Fuck"

Everyone froze immediately in whatever position they were in.
Minho stifled his laughter on seeing the literal 'What the fuck' expression on Chan's face.

However his joyfulness did not last long.

His eyes moved to survey the room until they landed on a certain squirrel looking boy whose wide, shocked eyes were fixed on his own.

Minho stared at him, unable to pull his gaze away from the boy's. It wasn't really possible either. Now that he was finally seeing Squirrel Boy for the first time properly, Minho was dumbstruck.

"Your the guy from the bus" He suddenly heard the guy yelp and if possible he got even more shocked.

"Uhh...." Minho scrambled for words. "H-how did you know?"

The guy laughed, a beautiful laugh that made Minho yearn for more.

"Yeah, uhh..... I've seen you staring at me everyday on the bus. You weren't exactly subtle, you know?" He smiled, heart shaped lips pulled over slightly crooked teeth.

"Wait wait wait" Said Chan suddenly. "Jisung? This is the guy you saw on the bus?"

"Uhh....." But Minho was too busy suffering from first and second hand embarrassment to formulate a response.

"Well he is the guy who has been staring at me on the bus for the past two weeks" Said Jisung. "Unless there are two people who have been staring at me."

"Wait...." Said Felix, realisation dawning on him slowly. "So this is the guy you wouldn't stop blabbering on about. Huh. Well, I must say, you've got good taste, Ji."

Now it was Jisung's turn to go red in the face.

"Okay" Said Hyunjin suddenly. "I am sensing some major sexual tension here right now, so, uhh, bye" He quickly ran out of the room, followed by Seungmin and Changbin.

Felix went out after them, not before flashing an exaggerated wink to Jisung which he returned with an eye roll.

Chan gave Minho a meaningful nudge which almost made him fall flat on his face, before him and Jeongin also exited leaving a nervous Jisung and an even more nervous Minho alone in the room.

After a few minutes of silence Minho decided to break the awkward atmosphere. "Erm..... your, uhh, your taste in music is pretty good."

Jisung immediately brightened, his gummy smile widening. "Thanks! I wrote them myself"

"Wait..... really?"

"Yeah! Me, Channie hyung and Changbin hyung. Our group name is 3RACHA."

"Ahhh" So Jisung was a part of the music group Chan hyung was always talking about.

"Do you..... maybe- wanna listen to, a few more songs... of ours?" Jisung asked tentatively, not meeting his eyes.

"I'd love to!"

"Really! Come on then!"

Jisung dragged Minho to the desk where he was originally sitting and rifled through the numerous files saved on his laptop, all awkwardness gone in a jiffy.

"Aha!" He handed over one earbud of the earphones connected to his computer to Minho and put the other in his own ear. "Ready?" He asked nervously.

Minho sensed his shakiness and put his hand on Jisung's looking at him with reassurance.


Jisung smiled, pressing 'play' on the file of Silent Cry as the song started playing.

The two of them sat in complete silence throughout the entire song. Jisung kept glancing up at the older, nervous that he wouldn't like it, but Minho's face remained impassive.

Finally, the song ended and Jisung pulled out the earbuds from both their ears.

"Well? How was it?" Jisung asked his anxiety increasing.

Minho stayed silent trying to comprehend what he had just heard but Jisung panicked and mistook that silence, thinking that Minho didn't like the song. The younger immediately started apologising.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have played that song! I knew it didn't turn out good-"


"I actually wrote it just to vent my feelings. I didn't even mean to make it an actual song I-"


"I just wrote and recorded it a few days back so I know it isn't good and it's fine if you didn't like it. I should have-"


Without thinking Minho leaned closer to the panicked younger, who had abruptly stopped talking.

Cupping Jisung's face, Minho flashed him a wide smile.

"The song was beautiful, Sungie."

Jisung gulped, his face gradually turning crimson, one, because of the close proximity and, two, because the nickname gave him enough butterflies to host a party.

"Th-thanks" He mumbled, his eyes subconsciously flickering to the older's full lips.

"Hyung....." He whispered quietly.
Minho hummed. "Yes?"

"Can I- uhh, I mean..... Oh Jesus! Can I, can I kiss you?" Jisung blurted out looking everywhere apart from the older.

Minho smirked. "You didn't need to ask, Sungie."


Jisung was cut off abruptly as he was met with a pair of pillow-soft, warm lips. The younger gasped, his eyes widening as Minho pressed his lips against the younger harder.

Fireworks erupted between both of them as Minho's hands found their way around Jisungs waist and Jisung's fingers wound into the older's honey brown locks.

The kiss was passionate and slightly sloppy as Minho bit Jisung's lip, asking for entrance which he granted immediately.

The younger shuddered at the feeling of the older's tongue in his mouth. It felt weird. But good weird.


"What the-"
"Hyung hyung hyung! Stop standing there! Come on!"
"Yes! We finally got blackmail material!"
"Oh I can't wait to tease Jisung with this!"

This short conversation was followed by muffled scuffling, grunting and 'oof-ing' as the six people standing outside, dashed away, proud of their work.

Great work at ruining the mood idiots, Minho thought irritatedly. Real smooth.

If only he knew that Jisung was thinking the exact same thing.......


Word count: 2058
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