❀ SKZ Code: Yejun's Gymnastics Lesson Part 1 ❀

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(This is set wayyy later, like present time haha; for later context, Yejun and Jisung are an open couple at this point in time.)

Yejun fiddled with Jisung's hand as she finished getting her makeup done. She had wanted to go for no makeup since she had never practiced gymnastics in makeup before, but the managers insisted. Luckily, she got to pick what outfit she was comfortable working out in.

"Yejun, you almost ready?" Their manager asked, walking into the waiting room where the group was sitting. Yejun jumped a little, zoned out prior to her name being called. She let go of Jisung's hand and nodded, making her way to the main gym. Her eyes lit up almost instantly, nostalgia hitting her like a truck.

After a few minutes, the crew was ready to start filming and Yejun got into position. This might've been the thing she's been most excited to film.

"I don't even know what to say," Yejun let out a small laugh, hiding her face in slight embarrassment. "Um, today I will be teaching the beloved Stray Kids gymnastics!"

"What qualifies you to do this?" One of the crew members asked from behind the camera.

"Ah, I was in gymnastics for eleven years of my life! All the way up until I moved to Korea. I started when I was two years old, and I almost went on to be in the Olympics," Yejun tried her best not to brag about it. Her mother used to tell her it was just used as a daycare so that she didn't need to take care of her, but it still gave Yejun so many happy memories.

"What are you going to be teaching the boys today?" The crew member asked again. Yejun's eyes lit up once again.

"Well, I'm going to try and teach them simple moves for the four main competitive portions! First, we'll do floor, then beam, uneven bars, and finally the vault!" Yejun explained, pointing to each part as she spoke.

"What part do you think the members will struggle with the most?"

"Hm," Yejun looked around, a finger on her chin, "probably the beam. Learning to balance can be really difficult."

"We'll send in the boys now, try and do a cool trick when they walk in," the director instructed, Yejun nodding and watching the door.

When signaled, she quickly moved to one corner of the spring floor. Her feet moved quickly, allowing her to pick up the pace before doing a front aerial. She heard the door open right before she flipped, then listened as the boys let out sounds of astonishment. A smile found its way onto her face as she turned toward them.

"This is the most excited I've seen you in months," Hyunjin let out a small laugh. Yejun nodded, her eyes bright as she walked behind them, pushing them to the center of the floor. They had already taken their shoes off in the waiting room.

"So, today, you guys are going to live as me from the age of two to the age of thirteen," Yejun bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

"It was that long? Oh my gosh," Changbin looked at her in disbelief.

"I didn't know two-year-olds could do gymnastics," Minho blurted, Yejun nodding at him. "That's insane."

"Weren't you supposed to be on the Olympic team?" Jisung looked over at her with a cocky smile. Yejun pushed his face away from her, stepping away from him, also wearing a smile.

"Almost, but I auditioned to be in JYP on the same day recruiters for the Olympic team came to a competition," Yejun smiled, not a single bit of regret on her face.

"Wow, you really risked a lot," Felix stared at her with his mouth agape, Yejun nodding again.

"Enough talking, we need to stretch!" Yejun exclaimed, telling them all to sit in a circle.

They spent the next twenty minutes stretching and warming up, Yejun having to get up and help a lot of the time, which led to a lot of painful screaming, and a lot more loud laughter. The stretch the group struggled the most with was a back bend.

"I'm telling you, you can just go from the floor up. You don't have to do it like me," Yejun let out shrieks of laughter as she watched Hyunjin attempt, and fail, over and over again.

"I want to learn, though!" Hyunjin yelled from the ground. "If Jeongin can do it, so can I!"

"Wow, nice to know I'm the standard," Jeongin laughed out, Hyunjin only rolling his eyes.

"Give up, we need to move on!"



"So, the first thing we're going to be learning is how to make a floor routine," Yejun explained to the group with a smile. "I'm sure you've already discovered, but this floor is like a giant springboard, which makes it easier to do special tricks on."

"What tricks are you teaching us?" Chan asked with wide eyes.

"He's only asking that because his knees are giving out. People his age don't work well with things like this," Seungmin joked, everyone letting out a burst of shared laughter. Chan looked over at Seungmin with a death glare.

"I know, I know. I'll have to take it easy on grandpa," Yejun played along, Chan's eyes widening in feigned anger. "Chris, you look senile."

Even louder laughter rang through the room, a few of the boys falling to the floor, the others gripping their stomachs. Even Chan found his way to laughter, trying his best to hold it back by biting down on his lips.

"Now, the first thing we will be learning is a cartwheel. If all of you can't do this, I will be a bit concerned."

As suspected, the group was able to pass the challenge rather easily. From there they had moved onto a round-off, a one-handed cartwheel, a handstand, and a front limber. That's where they seemed to struggle more. The group of clumsy twenty-year-olds wasn't great at catching themselves after falling forward.

"Baby, you're going to hurt yourself like that," Yejun walked over to Jisung, who had flopped onto his back at least three times. "Do you want me to spot you?"

"Yes, pleas-"

"Is this special treatment I'm sensing?!" Minho exclaimed dramatically, pointing at the couple.

"I've spotted all of y-"

"No, this is blasphemy, I can't believe my eyes!" Hyunjin exclaimed, covering his face with one hand and his heart with the other. Yejun deadpanned and stared into space, flexing her jaw.

"I need a vacation," Yejun sighed, muttering her words into her microphone. She finishes spotting her boyfriend and helps him until he gets it himself. Then, it was time to move onto the beam. Yejun was genuinely nervous about this part, afraid that the boys would injure themselves.

"Oh, what is this death trap?" Chan asked, a nervous smile on his face.

"This was my favorite, shockingly," Yejun said, doing a simple mount onto the beam. "It's called a balance beam. I need you guys to be extra careful on this because it's actually really dangerous. I've gotten, like, three concussions on these things."

"And it was your favorite?" Felix asked with kneaded eyebrows. Yejun nodded, jumping down from the beam.

"So, who's ready to learn?"

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