❀ 2: The Meeting ❀

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Yejun took a deep breath as she looked over herself in the mirror that sat against her wall. She obviously didn't dress too formally, but she tried to look good. She, of course, knew a few of them, but she didn't know all of them, and she wanted to make a positive self-image for herself. She was startled by her phone going off and she grabbed it out of the pocket of her ripped, baggy jeans.

"I'm out here waiting," Chan's voice said on speaker.

"You're paying for my coffee," Yejun said before hanging up the phone and grabbing her bag. She walked out of her door, trying her best to keep her nerves from getting to her as she walked down the stairs of the building.

"You're not the first person that's insisted on me buying their coffee, y'know," Chan said with a small smile as Yejun got into the passenger seat of the car.

"That's because you're the one who organized the meeting. Therefore, you pay for the coffee," Yejun smiled back at him.

"That's just not fair," Chan began the short drive to the cafe once Yejun was buckled.

"That's not fair," Yejun mocked, turning the radio up. The drive wasn't long, maybe around five-ish minutes. Yet, the entire time, Yejun was nervous. Chan could tell she was nervous by the way she would mess with her fingers or pick at the holes in her jeans.

"You're acting like you're about to meet the biggest business owners in all of Korea. Most of them are younger than you, too. I really do feel like they're going to love you," Chan gave her a mini pep talk before they entered the building. Yejun nodded and gave him a nervous smile before he pulled the door open, and the two entered.

It was blatantly obvious which table the group was sitting at. Seven boys sitting in a small cafe wasn't exactly easy to miss. They didn't even notice that Chan and Yejun had walked through the door until they had already walked over to the table, though Chan had to practically drag Yejun over. Then, the table went quiet.

"Hello," Yejun bowed to the group.

"You didn't tell me that Yejun would be here!" Jisung said excitedly.

"That was the point," Chan smiled widely at the boys, pulling Yejun back up from her bow. "Are you all going to introduce yourselves?"

"Shouldn't you introduce them, Mr. Leader Bang Chan?" Yejun turned to him, furrowing her eyebrows. This earned a few laughs from the group. "But, don't worry, I know their names."

"What? How?" Chan turned to look at her.

"I know most of the trainees at JYP, Chris," Yejun rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the group. "I'm Yejun. I was born in 1999, but please, no matter what Bang Chan may tell you, don't feel forced to use honorifics."

"Wait, really? I thought you were at least born in 2002," Minho looked at the girl up and down. Yejun shook her head, then turned to a boy with freckles, who really looked like he wanted to say something.

"Felix is your name, right? I heard that you're from Australia, like Chan," Yejun said in English, which took Felix off-guard.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry, I'm not that great with Korean," he responded in English.

"It's okay, me neither," Yejun smiled at him. "I could let you use some of my old books from when I had to study, if you want."

"You don't have to, really," Felix shook his hands. The two were still speaking in English.

"Nope, I insist. I want to help you as much as I can," Yejun said, ending the conversation with a warm smile. "Have you all gotten your coffee yet?" She spoke in Korean to the group, who just shook their heads.

"We were waiting for Chan to show up," Changbin answered, nodding towards the older Australian.

"Ah, we should all get something to drink then."


"So, you've lived in Korea for how long?" Hyunjin asked, taking a bite of a pastry he had ordered.

"Uh, 6 years? It's definitely been a long time," Yejun shrugged as she took a sip of her iced mocha.

"Really? And you haven't debuted?" Jeongin's eyes went wide.

"I was supposed to debut with TWICE, but, y'know," Yejun let out a small, awkward laugh.

"It's really cool that JYP's letting you join us," Jisung smiled brightly at the girl, who only returned the smile.

Yejun was often invited to the recording studio whenever 3RACHA was stuck on their music, or really whenever she was bored. Therefore, she and the three boys had grown very close with one another. Jisung and her were very close, though. They had sleepovers at Yejun's apartment very often, and the idea of them debuting together had both of them very excited.

"Wait, what about living situations? Like, what's happening there?" Changbin looked over to Chan, who seemed to be zoned out before Changbin had said anything.

"Oh, yeah. We actually talked about that a few days ago. This weekend, we'll be moving into a dorm together. We're supposed to record ourselves packing our things and stuff for the show," Chan answered. Everyone looked at him in shock, and he just gave them a confused look in return.

"Chris, the weekend is two days away! We have to pack everything up and move in TWO DAYS?" Yejun exclaimed, glaring at him, wide-eyed.

"I'm sorry, I forgot!" Chan put his hands up in defense.

"That's not something you can forget! Two days is not a lot of time to pack up my entire apartment," Yejun crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair as she pouted.

"Yejun, I can help you pack if you want," Chan offered and she did nothing but nod in response.

Pretty soon, they all had to get going, now complaining to Chan that they had to start packing for this weekend. They all said their goodbyes and such, knowing they would see each other in only a few days. Yejun was just glad that she got to know all of them before she had to spend all of her time with them.

"So, how was it?" Chan asked, smiling over to the girl as she buckled into the passenger seat.

"Everything was great until you dropped the whole 'we're moving in together,' thing," Yejun looked back over to him. "They're good kids, though. They deserve to debut."

"We'll all debut together, I'll make sure of it," Chan gave her another small smile before starting to drive back to Yejun's apartment.

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