❀ 25: Sydney, Australia ❀

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Yejun felt like she could scream in excitement as she sat in her seat on the plane. They had just announced they would be landing soon, and her hand gripped onto Jisung's tightly. The half-awake boy had been awoken from his nap; a short nap, but still a nap. Yejun couldn't help but bounce excitedly at the thought of meeting Chan's family in person for the first time, and Felix's family for the first time ever. She couldn't imagine how happy the two Australian boys were to be back in their hometown. 

"Yejun, my love, you're crushing my hand," Jisung let her know, Yejun apologizing immediately and kissing his sore knuckles. 

"I'm so excited to meet them, Ji," Yejun threw her head back against the headrest, looking up at the ceiling. "What if they hate me, though?" 

"What?" Jisung looked over at her, almost laughing at her sudden anxiety outburst. 

"What if they're like 'oh never mind, you're a loser' and then they hate me?" Yejun looked over at him with a small pout.

"I think you're just letting negative thoughts talk, Yejun," Jisung stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. "Hannah pretty much idolizes you at this point, and Chan's parents love you." 


"Chan!" Jisung called, looking behind him at the elder. Chan looked up at him with wide eyes, his leg bouncing up and down. "Tell Yejun your family loves her, she's going crazy." 

"I'll beat you up," Yejun says through gritted teeth, pulling him down back to his seat. 

"My family loves you, Emmy! You know this!" Chan pushed on the back of her seat, sending Yejun forward. Jisung let out a small laugh, resulting in Yejun harshly letting go of his hand. Jisung froze and looked over at her, seeing her tongue sticking out of her mouth. 

"What's that for?" Jisung asked, feigning offense. Yejun shrugged, turning to look out the window. "I'm being bullied by my loved ones." 

Yejun let out a small laugh at this, looking at him with eyebrows kneaded together. "I'm the one being bullied, you jerk!" 

Jisung let out a small gasp, placing a hand over his heart. "How dare you call me such a foul name?" Yejun giggled, leaning forward to plant a small kiss on his lips. 

"We can't hold hands in the airport, doofus. People will go crazy," Yejun explained with a small, sad smile. Jisung sighed, letting out an annoyed groan. They were both sick of being forced to hide their relationship from the public. Their company wasn't even aware of it, and they both knew that they would be in huge trouble, but they both discussed how it would almost be worth it. 

"We will now begin landing. Everyone, please put on your seatbelts for safety and regulation reasons," a woman said over the speaker, Yejun's stomach dropping a little as she watch the small tilt out the window. 

"We're going to the hotel first, right?" Jeongin asked Chan, who he was seated next to. 

"Mhm, we're going to get settled and then we're going to visit my parents," Chan's smile shined so brightly that Yejun could hear it in his voice. She smiled to herself, knowing everything will be good. 


Yejun let out a shaky breath as Chan knocked on the front door of a nice-looking house. She was trying her best not to be nervous, but she couldn't help it. Her body froze and her eyes went wide as the door swung open, revealing Chan's mother. The woman let out an excited squeal upon seeing the group. 

"Chris!" She pulled him into a tight hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek before introducing herself to the others. 

"Are they here?!" A loud, excited voice sounded from the top of the stairs. Then, a series of loud thumps were heard, signifying someone coming down the stairs. 

"Hannah, you've gotten so big!" Chan laughed as the fifteen-year-old's face dropped at his cheesy statement. She rolled her eyes, pulling him in for a hug. Then, her eyes found Yejun's, and it was like her world turned upside down. 

"Yejun-ah!" Hannah practically jumped on top of the girl, both of them letting out excited giggles. 

"Nice to see you, too!" Yejun laughed, holding the girl like she was a toddler. 

"I didn't even get a hello?" Chan pretended to be hurt, but couldn't hide the smile on his face. 

"Yejun's way cooler than you, obviously," Hannah responded, hopping down from the girl's arms. Chan's mom invited everyone into the house, explaining that his father was in the backyard grilling, and Lucas was at swimming practice. 

"Yejun, you've changed so much! Have you gotten thinner? Here, come have a snack!" Chan's mom dragged the girl to the kitchen, Jisung and Hannah both following. 

"Woah, this is a lot of food!" Yejun looked at the trays of grilled meat, fruit, and veggies laid across the kitchen counters. It made her mouth water a bit, her stomach grumbling as she realized it was dark out and she hadn't eaten all day. "I don't want to eat without the others."

"Nonsense! You shouldn't wait for them," His mom said, waving her hand. 

"I feel so rude, though. I can just wait for everyone else to eat, I promise I'll be okay until then," Yejun bowed her head, not wanting to offend the woman. 

"Mom, she'll eat with the rest of us! Can I kidnap her now?" Hannah asked, grabbing Yejun's hand. Yejun shuttered at the use of words, knowing the girl was joking but not being able to stop herself from thinking back to the event that happened nearly a year ago now. 

"Yeah, yeah, just make sure you guys can hear me call for dinner," The woman tapped Yejun's cheek. 

The two girls began walking away, Jisung not knowing what to do with himself. He grabbed onto Yejun's other hand, causing her to turn her head toward him. He looked at her with wide, questioning eyes. 

"I think everyone else is up in Chan's room right now. Why don't you join them for a bit?" Yejun smiled softly as she spoke to him. He nodded, smiling back. Hannah stared at the two with curious eyes, examining their body language and their eyes. 

He followed the two girls up the stairs before making his way to the crowded, noisy room that the boys were in. Hannah dragged Yejun to her room quicker than before, quickly closing the door behind them. 

"What was that?" Hannah asked, her eyes wide. Yejun tilted her head, a look of pure confusion on her face. "Downstairs! With Jiusng! You guys were looking at each other all lovey-dovey." 

"Oh! Well, I figured Chan would have told you," Yejun blinked, biting the inside of her cheek. 

"He's told me that you and Jisung have been crushing on each other for years but were too stupid to know. Was that one of those moments?" Hannah asked, crossing her arms. Yejun was about to answer, but then grew an offended look on her face. 

"He called us stupid? I'll beat his a-"

"Emmy, that's not the point right now!" Hannah interrupted, shaking Yejun's shoulders a little. 

"Oh, right, sorry. Jisung and I did realize that we like each other, that's what that was," Yejun answered, Hannah still looking confused. Yejun sighed, "It wasn't a moment, Jisung and I are together. Like, together together." 

"Holy shit, that's so awesome!" Hannah exclaimed, her eyes widening. "How long?" 

"Uhh, September 23 was the day we got together, so like five months now?" Yejun answered. 

"That's so long?! I'm a little offended Chris didn't tell me!" Hannah rolled her eyes. 

"I'm shocked he didn't!" Yejun rolled her eyes, too. "Do you want to get beat him up?"


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