13- Letters to your mama

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Authors note: Thank you for 4k reads on this pic so far. How are we feeling about the fit so far?

Somehow, someway, you and Spencer were making this work. Then again, why wouldn't it?

It had been a little over a month since the two of you had made things official. And truthfully, you were almost surprised by how this was Spencer's first relationship. To you, your boyfriend was a walking daydream. And today would only prove your point further.

Having meals at odd times together wasn't something your relationship was new too. In fact, it was what it was built on. Early mornings like these or late nights together were filled with food, conversation, and smiles.

The dark morning sky is untouched by the light of the sun. The chill is apparent by the fog that leaves your mouth once you see the car pull up. You smile and wait patiently for Spencer, who's being driven by Derek from the BAU.

Soon you're lost in his embrace. His face is buried in your neck and his arms are around your body. Kisses are planted on lips and cheeks.

"Hi." You greet each other with cheesy grins before entering the restaurant hand in hand.

The sound of a loud horn stops the two of you in your tracks.

"Forgetting something, pretty boy?" follows it.

You turn your head to find Derek's car still in the parking lot before looking to Spencer confused. Your brows pull together, and a small smile brightens your face.

"Pretty boy?" You question with a heightened voice.

He looks at you for an unfortunately short-lived moment. Searching your eyes as he questions himself on why hearing that name from your lips felt so different. It was on the better end of the nicknames the BAU's boy wonder had been given but hearing it from Derek was nothing like hearing it from you.

Again he honks.

"Come on, pretty boy." You gestured towards the car.

Before the night of Spencer's birthday, you knew of Derek through various sources. All of them being women. The built, thick browed man was friendly to say the least. But from everything Spencer had told you, that wasn't all he was. Derek Morgan was family focused, hardworking and Spencer's best friend.

"Look who it is." He exclaimed, leaving the driver side.

Your name left Derek's mouth with little to no resistance. Ironic , considering that this was only the third time you'd spoken to the man. Once the night you met Spencer and the other when you'd gotten that postcard.

"Derek Morgan, the man I've heard so much about."

"Oh Spencer, don't tell me you're spending your all time with this dime piece talking about little ol me." His hands come to his chest, and he looks at Spencer.

"You come up from time to time." You're quick to say with a shrug, forcing his attention on you.

"I wish I could say the same about you. But you're an everyday topic when it comes to this one."

Spencer flashes Derek a look before his eyes meet yours.

"Is that so?"

Spencer's deep brown eyes hold your gaze. Striking it dares him. His lips part yet can't seem to move further than that. Unsure what to say, he's silent. Scared to confirm, scared to deny.

That's how Spencer stays when you and Derek exchange goodbyes and possibly empty promises of meeting again over drinks.

Inside, Spencer is still quiet while you scan the local dinner menu. Sitting across from each other in the booth window seat, you contemplated what to order. A sub sandwich seemed good, but all day breakfast was hard to pass on. Especially for the dark coffee, heavy sugar addict you called your boyfriend.

"Flashing lights" Spencer Reid X black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now