2- Nice to see you again

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Spencer's pov

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Spencer's pov

There are many things in life that I feel are better discussed by women than men. Women themselves being one of those things. Her specifically.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it. Sitting back, I stare at the screen, at her name and number. I read them as if to remind myself of her. As if she hasn't been a consistent thought in my mind. As if this were the first time today, I was stuck staring at my phone screen, unsure how to make the next move.

"Did it break?"

Elle's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I'm quick to put my phone back into my pocket.


"Your phone." She points to it in my pocket. "Did it break? You've been staring at it all day."

"No, it's fine, I've just been thinking about something... someone"

Adding the last part is a risk, I know. But I'm aware of where it will lead the conversation and what will come out of it. She narrows her eyes and takes a seat in the empty chair across from me.

"What's her name?" Elle leans in and makes it clear she's interested.

Hesitant I tell her, and she smiles repeating it to herself.

"So, what's the situation between the two of you?"

My brows pull together. Situation.

"What makes you think there's a situation?" I shift in my seat, resting my forearms on the table between us.

Elle laughs.

"I mean, you're staring at your phone all day and thinking about her, but you're not sending or receiving any text. There's a situation." She spoke matter-of-factly.

The pull on my brows softens. I mean, I wouldn't say it's a situation, at least not in the way Elle puts it. It's something yes, or at least I want it to be, but a situation no.

"What kind of situation we talkin' here?" Derek asks, entering the area.

"Spencer and his-" Elle starts, but I'm quick to cut her off.

"Nothing." I shot him down immediately.

Elle and Derek share a look, he raises an eyebrow and she shrugs. Her lips close, and she sits back in her seat.

Derek's interest is understandable. In another circumstance, I would be happy to fill him in. I'm sure he has some helpful insight and experience that would help me. But there's something bigger stopping me from asking him. Perhaps it's the fact that Derek's questioning of what happened the night of my birthday was only now coming to an end. Or the ridicule that follows every conversation surrounding me and women.

I spend the rest of my work day stuck in my head. I finish my paperwork and read to myself. Forcing down the many thoughts of the beautiful woman, I'm unsure if I will gain the courage to contact. It's odd, the sudden flashbacks of her body intertwined with mine. The warmth she brought to my bed. The kiss she left on my cheek.

"I heard someone's having some girl trouble." Garcia sings meeting me at my desk.

My eyes fly to Elle across from me, and she forces hers to the paper in front of her, pretending to not feel my gaze.

"So what is resident genius having trouble with? Replying? Keeping the conversation going ? Is she flirting too much ? Are you not flirting enough ?" Garcia rambles on about all the possibilities of what I could be struggling with.

Her words seep into my mind and I can't control the insecurity that washes over me. The change in my mood is sensed by the two women, and Penelope goes silent. I take a breath and set aside my book. With Derek gone to the bathroom, it's only the three of us. I know if anyone can give me some kind of advice without following it with an insult, it's Penelope.

I try to explain my "situation" to the two of them in vague details. Keeping the focus on the problem at hand, but their minds wander and their curiosity persists.

"Wait, so she only slept over?" Elle asks, confused.


"Wait, what happened between coming back to your apartment and sleeping?" Penelope asks while taking Derek's chair from his desk, moving it to sit in a triangle with Elle and me.

I'm quick to put an end to their justified assumptions, or at least I try to. "Nothing did."

"Something definitely did." Elle agrees with Penelope's ultimately correct insinuation.

"What was it like? Was she rough ? Was she sweet ? How flexible was she? I've heard dancers can do some real amazing things with all that leg strength." Garcia rambles again.

Yet this time, the heat that washes over me is not insecurity. It may make me silent and red the same way insecurity does, but they are far from being the same thing. Once Penelope realizes she is the only one talking, she gives me a small smile and apologizes before speaking again.

"Sorry it's just with no contact for days, at this point she might just think it was a one-night stand."

The thought is one that hadn't occurred to me until now, and now that it had an urgency followed it. I don't know if I can wait any longer, if I can keep her waiting any longer.

"How do I let her know that it was more than that?" My voice is soft, softer than any of us expect.

My words crack, I clear my throat and repeat myself. "Uh- what do I say to her ? How do I let her know that it was more than just that?"

"Call her." Elle tells me honestly.

"Maybe a text instead." JJ suggested overhearing our conversation.

I try to give a hopeful expression, but my lips are stuck straight.

"Better yet, why not see her tonight. Actions say more than words, right."

Elle is right. Actions do speak louder than words, and I want my actions to send a clear message. With no case, the work day ends, and I make my way back to the same club from the night of my birthday. Without Derek by my side, it's much more intimidating than I thought it would be. Swallowing my fear, I focus on the mission at hand and search for her in the dark yet colorful room. To my surprise, she finds me before I find her.

"Spencer." She calls my name, sounding almost taken aback.

The sound of her voice spreads a wide smile across my face. She was taller now, wearing long heels that gave her an advantage over me.

"Hi." is all that comes out of my mouth.

"Hi?" She greets me back. "I'm surprised to see you here. I thought strip clubs weren't your thing."

"They aren't I just- I just I um, I came here looking for you."

I'm more honest than maybe I should be.

"Really." She narrows her eyes, her voice carries a hint of disbelief. "No call, no text yet suddenly here you are."

My smile lowers and straightens.

"Um, is there somewhere we can talk?"

"That depends do you have cash? I'm still on the clock, so any conversations beyond this comes with a price."

I did not in fact have cash, but she was happy to point me in the direction of the atm. The money didn't matter to me. If I had to pay to speak to her, then I would. And that's exactly what I did. I paid for a private room and that was where we spent the rest of her shift. Just talking with each other.

"Flashing lights" Spencer Reid X black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now