4- Making it work pt.1

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This was not a date

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This was not a date. Right? At least not an official one. If it were, you wouldn't be wearing your after work sweats. In fact, you wouldn't have gone to work at all. This was more of a test run per se. A great opportunity to put Spencer in the hot seat and question him.

It was Sydney's idea much more than it was your own. To say she was on the fence about Spencer would be an understatement. Really, there was no fence at all. And if Sydney could have it her way, there would also be no Spencer, too. Just two best friends getting some spicy noodles.

"How well do you handle spice?"

His lips quickly form a line, and it's clear the question worries Spencer.

"Like on a scale of one to ten." You suggest in hopes of narrowing down his heat tolerance or lack there of.

"That's a high number, isn't it."



He gives you an attempt at a smile, and you can already see that this night was going to be an interesting one.

The noodle spot is empty. No one really came in after dark, at least not to sit and eat. It isn't the best date restaurant, so thankfully this wasn't a date.

"What are we thinking hot, fire, or scorching?" You spoke excited, remembering the burn of the rich flavors.

"Are those my only options?" His wary expression had yet to cease.

Spencer went with mild, you went with hot. He would have gone with regular, but you were quick to persuade him against it. The two of you found a table near the large windows, taking seats across from each other. While you waited for the food, you wanted to give Spencer a bit of a heads-up. If he wanted to be with you, he'd have to get used to Sydney's antics. Even if he hadn't met her yet, she knew all about him. She also knew how long it'd been since you found yourself talking to someone with romantic intentions.

"Do you normally quiz people on the first-" He searches for the right word. "meeting."

You chuckle.

"No I uh I normally wait till the second meeting for the question and the third for sex but since we're already doing things out of order I thought why not." You shrug and give Spencer a cocky smile.

His lips part for a second before forming a tight line his brows pull together softly, and he swallows before taking a sip of water. You can't help but chuckle at Spencer's reaction. He was so... really you didn't know how to describe it.

When the food comes, Sydney's questions are the last thing on your mind. Coming straight from the strip club, your body was tired, and your stomach was empty. Considering that he mostly lived off bad coffee, old take out and vending machine snacks, Spencer was feeling the same. Quickly, you picked up the chopsticks and dug into the meal. Across from you, Spencer did the same, yet it seemed like he was having some trouble.

"Do you seriously not know how to use chopsticks?" You said, surprised as you watched Spencer struggle with the thin wooden sticks.

"It's actually a lot more complicated than it looks, okay." He sets the utensils aside and picks up a fork instead. "Please tell me that one of the questions isn't if I can use chopsticks."

"I hate to break this to you, but..." You paused for dramatic effect. "it's the first one."

Nodding slowly, Spencer swiftly took his fork away and picked up the chopsticks again.

"I'll learn." He tells you with a slight smirk.

Eventually he might sure, but for right now Spencer was happy to struggle if it made you happy. And it did. You and Spencer laughed as he attempted to use chopsticks. The noodles slipping from the sticks as soon as he got a somewhat decent grasp on them. Finding their way nowhere near his mouth and ending up on the table instead.

"Here, here, I'll help you." Standing, you stretched one of your arms over to Spencer. Taking the chopsticks between your fingers, you picked up the noodles with ease. "See easy."

Through laughs and giggles, Spencer appreciatively slurped the noodles up. Pleased, he hummed at the taste of the flavorful food. The sound curls the corners of your lips, and you smile. Being in each other's company is almost easy in a way. Your conversations always flowed with no trouble. Spencer was engaged in what you had to say, and you could honestly listen to him talk or at times ramble about anything.

The two of you were really having a good time. That was until the "severe spice" of Spencer's mild dish caught up to him.

"Are you, uh, are you sure this is the mild one?" He swallowed thickly, his chest rising with deep breaths.

"I'm pretty sure." Your response was uncertain. "Let me check."

Grabbing your unused fork, you dug slightly into Spencer's noodles, somewhat expecting a kick of heat yet being met with none.

"Nope, it's definitely mild, Spencer." You told him, holding back a laugh.

"Oh... okay."

Faced with fighting the "burn" of a mild noodle dish, Spencer had eaten enough for tonight. He was happy to stay at the restaurant but not wanting to be the only one eating, you decided it was time to go.


Thank you so much for 200 reads I'm so happy to see that you guys are liking this fic so far, the next chapter will be smut, and although I do feel a bit rusty I still plan to deliver!

"Flashing lights" Spencer Reid X black fem readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt