6- Now we're talking

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It's a cold, dark morning

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It's a cold, dark morning. Early too. Too early for you to be awake, let alone trying to get out of bed. But sadly, you were a woman of your word. And because of that, this morning, instead of sleeping in, you would be making breakfast.

Carefully pulling Spencer's hands apart, you released yourself from the hold of the sleeping man and crept out from under the cover. Sensing the lack of heat, Spencer's hands reached for your body and were met with nothing but sheets. Frowning with a smile beneath it, you pressed a kiss to Spencer's forehead. Still in his sleeping state, he smiles at the feeling of your lips. Your stomach turns, and you can't help but feel drawn back to the bed, to him.

Setting the feeling aside, you made your way to Spencer's kitchen. The coffee machine is your first stop. Desperate for something to fully wake you up, you add new water and start the machine before moving on. Opening Spencer's fridge, you were expecting a sight much worse than what you were met with. Looks like someone had gone grocery shopping.

Picking out a few things, you set them on the counter and got to work. Spencer's coffee and side of eggs was a cute attempt at breakfast, but you knew you could step it up. You started with bacon, seasoning and crisping the thin meat before setting them aside on two plates. Next was eggs scrambled the same way Spencer made them for you. Last was toast and to top it all off, a fresh cup of coffee.

"Good morning." Spencer greeted with a yawn.

Yelling, you jumped and turned quickly to see the recently woken man. His hair a mess. The bags under his eyes, dark, accentuating his pale skin.

"Sorry." He apologized with half a smile.

"Spencer, you're too tall and too quiet to enter rooms without some kind of announcement."

"Really, what should I announce?" Spencer asked, taking your joke seriously.

"You're smarter than me, you'll think of something. " You shrug. "Should I just pour the sugar straight in, or is there a specific measurement you like in your coffee ?" You motioned towards the full cup.

"You made me coffee?"  Spencer asks in almost awe, joining you in his kitchen.

"I made us breakfast." You corrected him with a satisfied grin. "I hope you're hungry, I know I am."

"I definitely am." He tells you, smiling shyly. "I'll do the coffee, you can start eating."

Your grin softens, and a smile burns your cheeks and spreads your lips. You added a knife and fork to the two plates before taking them to the living room. You set them on the table beside each other and took a seat on Spencer's couch. Cups in hand, Spencer joined you a minute later. He gave you a cup, setting the other down and going to play some music.

Skeptical yet aware of Spencer's sharp memory, you took a cautious sip. It's smooth and perfect. The drink is made exactly to your liking. As if you made it yourself. Spencer's soft classical music hits your ears as he returns to the couch.

Breakfast, for the most part, is quiet. After last night not finishing his food at the restaurant and tiring himself out, Spencer was hungry. He ate your food somewhat quickly, complimenting your skills in the process.

"Last night was fun." Spencer states. "But I think I have to be honest with you."

Your body stiffens, you swallow the food in your mouth and sit back, assuming the worst.

"I... I was trying to or well wanted to ask you out not to hang out but to..." He's nervous, but pushes through it. "I wanted to ask you on a date."

"Are you asking me now, or clearing the air?"

You knew what he was trying to do, but you had to hear him say it with confidence. Or at least with some conviction.


"Say it with your chest." You teased Spencer with a small smirk. "Ask me again."

"Will you go on a date with me?"

The smirk grew and you returned to your plate. Humming, you took the last piece of food into your mouth.

"I'll think about it." You shrugged and stood, plate in hand.

Spencer's face dropped. His eyes watched you as you walked into the kitchen. Confused, he stood and followed you.

"When?" You asked him, placing your plate and cup in the sink.

"T-this week."

"Why not today?"

"I um, I have to go to a seminar with Gideon, so I thought it was best to wait, so I wouldn't have to reschedule with you." He told you quickly. "But if I come back early we can go out today if you prefer."

"No need. We can go out this week whenever you want. Give me a heads-up, though, so I can get my schedule straight."

Spencer's face lit up. His tired eyes sparkled, and his cheeks grew rosy. He looked at you as if you'd just said something he'd been waiting to hear for ages. In a way, you did.  Because of you, Spencer Reid was going on a date. Another first of his you were ready to claim.

Thank you so much for 300 reads. I'm so happy to see how many of you are reading his fic so far. I know it's only the sixth chapter, but how are you liking it so far ?

"Flashing lights" Spencer Reid X black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now