8- Devil on my shoulder

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If there was anybody you'd get good, honest advice from

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If there was anybody you'd get good, honest advice from. It would be a stripper. Being that most strippers are women, there's a certain bond created amongst each other. An overall goal to look out and protect each other. Whether that be covering shifts, walking in groups to cars at night, or now giving advice.

"My things is why in the world are you fucking an FBI agent anyway?" An older white woman questioned you. "They're like the cops, but worse."

"Never date a cop." Another woman told you slowly. "My ex was a cop. The Son of bitch broke two of my ribs. I don't know nothing about agents, though."

"Nothing physical besides sex is happening between me and Spencer." You paused. "Or well happened."

They looked at you confused.

"So, what's the problem?"

"Is the sex bad?" You're asked with a laugh.

"No, it's good, actually. The issue is I feel like he lied to me or didn't tell me the truth."

This was the first time you'd said it out loud. In fact, you'd rarely thought of it outside the conversations with Sydney. After the night of your date, you'd tried to not think of Spencer, either. Ignoring his calls and texts. It wasn't that you were sad, you knew you'd be eventually, but it was more that you were just... over it.

You sat on the bench in the locker room. Eyes unfocused, staring at the floor. Nothing in particular but the floor as a whole. You forced a shaky breath, almost forgetting to breathe for a moment. The surrounding woman continued to talk, leaving your silence unnoticed.

The air filled your lungs, and you blinked, snapping yourself out of it. Quickly, you stood and got back to work. When you're on that stage with all those eyes on you, all you can do is smile and dance. Most times it's fun. The attention, the dancing on top of the money. And others it's just work.

Going through the motions without a second thought. Your body's almost automatic. You move with confidence and sexuality, pleasing not only the crowd but yourself. The music only adds to it, egging on all your thoughts and view of yourself. All these men, desperate for you. All that money, all for you.

With a seductive smile, you circle the pole one hand gripping it as you do. Your eyes linger over the men, teasing them without a touch. Through the darkness, your mind flashes to the man you wanted nothing to do with. Spencer. His skin is as it always is around you, flushed with a deepening red. His face a mix of confusion, but still his brown eyes looked at you with such hope.

It stuns you for a second, but you refuse to let it show. You toss it into the back of your mind. He was just a man. A man who was paying to watch you perform. In this moment you had all the power, not him. You continued to dance until the end of the last song.

With both hands gripping the silver pole, you're quick to lift off the ground and attach to the top of the pole with your ankles. Locking your armpit around the pole, you move your hands out to the side and fully extend your arms. Inverted Crucifix, an easy yet complicated looking enough move. You stay upside down for a quick moment before your hands grip the pole again. With your head forward and your thighs relaxed, you slid down the pole.

Your head, neck and back rest against the floor before you free your legs. The song ends, and you're quick to collect the money that's gathered on the stage.

You keep yourself busy all night. Serving drinks, private dances and talking to men at the bar. Any and everything to keep you away from Spencer. You could and maybe should have just gone up to him and told him to leave. But you were more stubborn than that. Hard Headed, your parents would say.

You'd managed to keep your distance all the way to the end of your shift. And against what you'd hoped, Spencer had stayed. Regardless, you threw on a pink tracksuit and left as if you didn't have a care in the world. And for a few seconds you did. That was until you heard a familiar voice calling your name as you walked to your car.

Rolling your eyes, you looked back to find Spencer quickly approaching. Waving, he gave you a cautious smile. An attempt to wave you down for a talk. You ignored it and him continuing to walk. Finally, you make it to your car and when you reach for your keys, suddenly they're gone. Frustrated, you drop your bag to the floor and search your pockets with no luck.

"Hey..." Spencer says, catching his breath. "I uh, I was calling your name."

"Yea, and I was ignoring you." You snap, still searching.

"Are you, uh, looking for something?"

"No, Spencer, I'm just standing in a dark parking lot pretending to search for something?"

"Oh... okay." He shifts where he stands. "Could we talk?"

You stopped your search, turning to look at Spencer.

"What is there to talk about?"

"I just wanna know why you haven't been answering my calls or responding to my messages. We sorta had ya know a date. At first, I thought it was your phone, but Garcia of her own will check, and she told me everything was a-okay with it." He swallows, stopping himself from rambling.

You opened your mouth to address the whole Garcia checking your phone, but you decided against it.

"My phone's fine. How was your case?"

His expression is wary.

"The case. It was... good. Great, I mean, we caught the unsub and saved the victim before they or anyone else could be hurt."

You nod, crossing your arms.

"It must have been hard working with, or I guess saving, a celebrity." You took a step towards him. "Especially with paparazzi."

"You saw the magazine?" He asks slowly.

"Yea I did."

"It's not what you thin-"

You cut him off.

"Spencer, I don't want to talk about this now."

He accepts it.

"Oh, good night then." He forces a smile. "And if your keys are what you're looking for, they're on the side of your bag." He points to your keys.

Sighing, you thank Spencer before retrieving the keys. You got into your car and quickly started it.

"Do you need a ride home ?" You asked through the crack of your window.

It's dark and cold. And although you know Spencer was fine with walking alone this time of year. You were sure if you were.

"No, I'll take the subway."

"Alright goodnight Spencer."


500 reads already wow! I'm fully sure how I feel about this chapter mostly because I feel like the title and banner doesnt much the actual chapter but here it is anyway. I hope you enjoyed it!

"Flashing lights" Spencer Reid X black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now