Chapter 13: Drinking Contest 🍾🍻🍸

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A/n: Y'all this really has 405 reads 😭❤️ thank you sm 🥲😭❤️ but nah I'm literally writing this in class and bro this girl just punched this boy for no reason and it was so funny 😭😍 she thinks she's my friend too and she's like literally so weird but ANYWAYS enjoyyy

(Y/n)'s POV

Finally. We're here. The gate that leads to Trost. All the townspeople ignored our warnings so we just gave up. But there's no way we're dying. Not here. We waited patiently for the cart to arrive. We waited... and waited... and waited. It never came. I decided to get the attention of a passing townsperson.

"Hey, do you know when the cart is coming through this gate?" I asked. The woman turned to me.

"I believe there was a delay. It won't be in town for another day or two." She replied. Our faces suddenly fell.

"Shit!" Eren screamed. "How the hell are we going to get out of here?!" We all went into a panic and began thinking intensely.

"Wait, I got it!" Armin exclaimed.

"Tell us!" We all said in unison.

"You know how the scouts and military police have ODM gear, right?" He asked, eyes shining.

"Yeah, what about it?" Mikasa asked. I laughed.

"I know where this is going..."

"We'll get the ODM gear from Hannes and his friends and navigate our way over the walls!" Armin seemed very pleased with his plan.

"Huh? I don't know how to use the ODM gear..." Mikasa muttered.

"But you... oh right." Eren said, remembering that Mikasa didn't time travel like the him and the others.

"You're a natural at it. You'll get it right away. And we'll teach you the basics anyways." I smiled.

"How do you know I'll be good at it..?" She asked shyly.

"We watched you slay like a girl boss on that ODM gear." 💅🏻 Armin said slayfully.

"Armin, please never try to sound cool again." Eren said seriously. Armin laughed.

"What he means is you are really good at it in the future and pick up the skills very easily." I interrupted.

"If you say so..." She mumbled.

"So, Armin, how are we going to go about this?" Eren asked.

"Well, we're going to challenge Hannes and his buddies to a game..." Armin began.

"Ooh! I love games! What kind of games?!" I asked excitedly.

"A drinking game." Armin said with a smile. "Someone is going to have to get hella drunk for this to work but it's for survival so who's in?!"

"I'm in!" I exclaimed.

"Me too." Mikasa said.

"I'll get drunk for us!!" Eren said as he jumped around excitedly.

"Perfect! Let's go then! But we have to hurry... I'm not sure how much more time we have left before the titans get here. Judging by the sun, it looks like we have about two and a half hours." Armin said.

"Then we should hurry." Mikasa said.

"Hey Mikasa and Armin, can you be in charge of stealing the ODM gear while we distract Hannes?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me." Armin said. "I don't wanna get drunk right now." Mikasa agreed.

"So it's a plan!" Eren said, high fiving Armin. We ran away from the gate and went back to the bridge where Hannes and his friends hung out.

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