Chapter 2: That day

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Y/n's POV

We were thrown a few feet away from where we were sitting due to the earthquake.

"What the hell was that?!" I screamed. Eren looked around.

"It's ok, (Y/n)! It was probably an earthquak-" Eren was cut off as he saw something looking over the walls.

A Titan! But how? These walls are over 100 meters tall! Thoughts raced through my head. The giant Titan began breaking the top of the walls. Shit! What are we going to do if that thing breaks wall Maria?! No... don't think like that. Stay calm. My intrusive thoughts were too much. I could barely stay calm.

CRASH! 💥 I looked the other direction to see a hole smashed right through the middle of the wall. There was another Titan but it was smaller. It looked like it had armor around its whole body. Was that the one that just broke the wall?! Fuck! We're all going to die. Armin, Eren, and Mikasa all stood still in terror.

"Guys look! The titans! They're in! They've breached the walls!" Armin shrieked. Eren's eyes filled with fear.

"Oh my god, my mom is still at the house!" Eren grabbed Mikasa's hand and ran off.

"Eren!" I yelled and began to ran after him. I suddenly felt something grab the back of my shirt. Armin.

"Stay here, (Y/n). You'll only get yourself killed. Eren and Mikasa know what they're doing." He said, trying to stay calm. I nodded. "In the meantime, let's find somewhere to hide. They're everywhere." Armin and I found a pile of wood with a small opening, just enough for us to fit. I didn't look outside our hiding place for what felt like an eternity. But I suddenly felt the courage to look outside.

Bodies. Blood. A torn up city that we once called home. I almost threw up at the sight of it. Titans were swarming Shiganshina and we couldn't do anything about it. We had to watch as our friends and family were brutally murdered. Aside from the noise of death and despair, there was another noise. A hope that maybe we could survive this mess.

Swords! "Armin, did you hear that? It sounds like the scouts are here!" I exclaimed. Armin suddenly lit up with joy.

"We're going to be saved?!" Armin asked, still teary eyed from seeing what was outside. I nodded my head enthusiastically.

"They're going to get us out of this hell!" I beamed. But all my happy thoughts left as soon as they entered my mind. Mom and Dad... THEY ARE AT HOME TOO! Just like Eren's mom was... I wonder how she's holding up. Just a bit longer mom, the scouts are going to save us. I tried to comfort myself by saying that it would be ok. But it wasn't. So many people were dead or severely injured. Suddenly, a tall blonde haired man with blue eyes approached our hiding place. I looked at his uniform. It had a logo that I was familiar with. The wings of freedom. Just by looking at him, Armin and I knew he was trustworthy.

"Are you kids ok?" The man asked. "My name is Erwin Smith and I'm from the scout regiment. And I'm going to get you kids out of here!" He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much sir!" Armin said, still in tears.

"The titans were lead out of the walls by half of the scouts and the other half is here evacuating citizens." Erwin said. "There's a boat headed to another city within the walls now, let's go kids." Armin and I followed him. The scene around us was even worse than the bit we saw while in hiding. But what caught my eye was Mom's house. It was crushed. There's no way she could have survived. I quickly focused back on escaping and boarding the boat.

"(Y/n)!" Eren called from the boat! He had a sad expression yet he still seemed happy to see me.

"A lot happened in the 20 minutes we were gone."

To be continued...

With you always | Eren x Reader |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz