Chapter 9: Chicken babies 😻✋🏻

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A/n: Ok whaaaat. This story is top 1 for the #itsajoke! Also 150 reads Tysm! I was originally thinking about completing it but since you love it so much I'll continue it

Eren's POV

2 years earlier...

(Y/n) and I have just gotten married.

"Should we go on a honeymoon?" She asked.

"Definitely." I replied. "Maybe we can make love and have a child." (Y/n)'s eyes lit up.

"Yes my soon to be baby daddy let's make love and have babies~" She said seductively.

"Let's go to a random island." I suggested.

At the island or whatever

"Ok let's make love and have babies." (Y/n) said. So we did. And she got pregnant. With twins. It took about a month to find out but we did.

"Omg ur preg yay." I said enthusiastically.


9 months later

"Idk if it's cause im a Titan but these kids lookin tasty." I said hungrily.

"Fax. Let's eat em." (Y/n) said. We put them on a platter and slid them into the coal burning oven since the electric ovens weren't invented yet. We watched as they cooked.

"We made a great snack." I said with a smile.

"We sure did." (Y/n) said in return. After they were cooked, we seasoned them and ate them. They tasted like chicken, just like we'd expected cause every unknown suspicious meat tastes like chicken.

The end (for now)


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