Chapter 1: New friends

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A/n: Y'all this chapter has no smut cause they're 10 🫣 be patient my children

Another day inside the walls.

I thought. I threw my thin blanket off of me and stood up.

I mean, what the hell is there to do? There's nothing to do inside these walls.

I began to walk downstairs where my parents greeted me. "Goon morning, (Y/n!)"

"Good morning..." I said. "I"m going out to the shop to get some bread."

"Be careful, and don't get killed!" Mom yelled.

"Relax, I'm only going to town. It's not like a Titan is going to break through the walls or anything" I said, getting annoyed. Mom was always too overprotective. I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. I shoved my hands in my pockets and started down the road.

"Knock it off!" I hear someone scream from an alleyway. "Please leave me alone!" I immediately ran to the source of the noise. I ran around the corner to see 3 ugly boys harassing a little blonde girl with a Dora the explorer haircut. Or maybe it was a boy? I was too far away to tell. I ran at top speed towards them and uppercutted the main bully. He started crying like a little bitch.

"Leave him alone you dumb whores!" I screamed.

The other two boys laughed. "Look little girl, you aren't threatening. We ain't scared of you!"
I grabbed the main bully by the neck and held him up in front of him.

"Are you blind or something? Did you not see what I did to your friend over here?" I said giving them an eye roll.

"Run..." The main bitch said. I dropped the ugly boy and they ran away like pussies. Suddenly, I saw two little kids running towards us.

"Armin!!" The boy yelled. He had dark brown hair and Strong Titan green eyes. (Yes, strong titan green is a real color, look it up TvT) There was also a girl with him. She had black hair and grey eyes. She also had a scarf that smelled like shit. "Are you ok?! What happened?!"

"I'm ok now, this girl just helped me. Some mean guys were bullying me but she beat their asses!" The blonde boy whose name appeared to be Armin said beginning to stand up. I smiled proudly and nodded.

"Oh that's amazing! Nice to meet you, I'm Eren. What's your name?" The boy asked.

"I-I'm (Y/n)... nice to meet you too." I said quietly.

"Thank you for saving me, (Y/n)! Those bullies could have taken my book if it weren't for you!" Armin said looking at me with grateful eyes.

"Oh Armin, you always have your nose in a stupid book!" The girl said with a laugh!

"Shut the hell up Mikasa! You haven't washed that scarf in years!" Armin screamed.

So her name is Mikasa... and no wonder her scarf smells like shit. I thought to myself. I looked at the three kids standing before me. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. "I think we will be good friends!" I said with a smile.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Eren said grabbing my hand. I blushed as his cold fingers locked with mine. "Guys let's take (Y/n) to our favorite spot!"

"That's a great idea, let's go!" Mikasa said as she helped Armin up. The four of us then made our way to some stairs where we talked and got to know each other.

Suddenly, lightning struck very close to the walls. It threw us out of our comfortable positions. "What the hell?! Is this an earthquake?!" I asked in a panic.

"I dunno," Eren said as he grabbed my hand again. "But I have a bad feeling about this."

To be continued...

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