Chapter 8: Now that we're older

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(Y/n)'s POV

Smut in this chapter so if you don't like it then leave

Timeskip 3 years

People wondered what had happened to Mikasa back when we were 12 but eventually got over it. We never got caught either. Eren and I are still just friends despite everything. Why can't he just get the hint?! Stupid boys! But today I'm going to ask him. I'm not going to just sit around and wait for him. I need to be independent and ask myself. It was lunch time and I was sitting next to Eren.

I need to tell him. I thought to myself. I cleared my throat.

"Eren... remember that night when we were 12..?" I asked quietly.

"I- yes..." He began.

"When we kissed? When you said you liked me?" I looked down at my feet while speaking.

"Why do you ask?" Eren blushed.

"I... I was just wondering if you still had those feelings..?" He began blushing even harder after I asked him the question.

"Promise you won't make fun of me if I tell you the truth?" Eren said with a smile.

"Promise." I said holding out my pinky for a pinky swear. He gripped his pinky around mine and nodded.

"I don't like you, (Y/n). I love you. I can't believe you didn't ask me sooner!" He exclaimed. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I slammed my hands down on the table.

"Let's have sex, I can't wait any longer." I blurted. What the fuck did I just say?

"I thought you'd never ask..." Eren said licking his lips. I smiled.

I didn't think he would agree but ok. He grabbed my hand and ran to the boys house. Eren slammed me down on the bed as he threw his shirt off. He pulled my shirt off over my head and began sliding his pants off.

Outsider POV

Eren slipped (Y/n)'s pants off. He slid his cock in her pussy. (Y/n) moaned.

"Faster..." She pleaded.

"Anything you ask for my dear." Eren replied as he sped up the rhythm.

"Oh yes daddy!!" (Y/n) screamed. The two fucked for about an hour or two until Eren suddenly stopped. "Why'd you stop?"

"(Y/n), there's been this question on my mind." Eren said, shuffling his feet.

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked eagerly. Eren pulled out a half eaten green apple ring pop and got on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" His eyes met (Y/n)'s. They were sparkling like diamonds.

"Yes yes one million times yes!" (Y/n) said as she began fucking his knee. She grabbed the ring pop and put it on her ring finger. "I'm never taking this off."

Timeskip 2 years...

Finally. It was Eren and (Y/n)'s wedding day. Neither of them had parents so they just walked down the isle together. Armin was crying because of how beautiful this scene was. But he had to keep it together because he was the ring bearer. Sasha skipped down the isle throwing flower petals everywhere. (Y/n) made sure to choose the flowers that everyone was allergic to. Eren agree cause he liked seeing people suffer. The two stood at the chapel together and looked each other in the eyes.

"Hay peepel is tiem fo a weddden" Pixis said holding a bottle of vodka.

"He's drunk." Eren said with a laugh. "This is going to be funny."

"Rig dued cum her an brig teh rig" Pixis squealed loudly. Armin began down the isle with the half eaten ring pop. It was molding by now but (Y/n) didn't care. The ring pop was so sticky that it stuck to the fabric of the fancy cushion.

"Naw pute teh fecking rig oen teh womeen" Pixis said drunkily. Armin peeled the moldy, sticky, gross mess off from the pillow and placed it on (Y/n)'s hand.

This is so romantic. (Y/n) thought to herself.

"Ereh yu don geat a rig dum bisch" Pixis slopped.

"Ok that's fine." Eren said. He just wanted
(Y/n) to be happy.

"Du yu luv eech uther?" Pixis bellowed.

"Yes." They both replied.

"K than kiz yu muther fouckers." Pixis screamed. Eren leaned in for a kiss and (Y/n) returned the favor. They kissed for a bit and then Pixis spoke up again.

"K whors ur maryed nawo."

And they went on to have two kids which they ate for dinner on April 6, 858. Legend says they tasted like chicken.

The end. 😍

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