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Wait. Did he jus-

Before I could process, he smashed his lips on mine. Without bulging, I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he continued to kiss me.

The kiss was slow at first, but it got deeper as there was no gap between our bodies. Our tongues moved in sync, as our hearbeats danced together.

I grabbed his hair, as he grabbed my thigh. The atmosphere was getting hotter, so using my leg I kicked the duvet, which quickly slided down our faces till our waists.

Noticing my sweat, Jimin slowly travelled to my jawline, while rubbing my thigh. Planting wet kisses on my collarbones, I moaned, which made him smirk.


I whispered, totally out of breath.

Kissing further, he slowly travelled towards my cleavage. But due to the shirt, it wasn't too much visible.

Roaming my hand around his muscular back, he moved back to my lips, and kissed me harshly. The kiss was intense, until he started unbottoning my shirt with his free hand.

Letting him do whatever he wanted, he opened few buttons, and again trailed kisses till my collarbone. Going further down sucking my skin, I moaned as I pulled his hair.

Planting wet kisses till the end of the cleavage, he paused and looked at me. We panted heavily, as we stared at each other.

To my surprise, he slowly backed away and sat upright. I cleared my throat in confusion and sat next to him.

He reached his hands towards me, and slowly bottoned up my shirt. I looked at him, craving for more. His wet hair, sweaty forehead, plump lips, sharp jawline and that perfect body made me crazy.

But I knew, he stopped because we may cross our limits and later regret it.

Deadly silence filled the room. I didn't speak a word, neither him. I was too flustered.

My brain couldn't just process what he said earlier...

He smiled lightly, before grabbing an oversized t-shirt besides him. I looked away blushing, until he wore it.


My eyes travelled to him, until it met his brown orbs. My heartbeat sped up instantly.

"I'm sorry..."

My face turned into a frown, as I titled my head in confusion.


He sighed.

"For hiding everything from you. And the most important, I'm responsible for causing all these accidents to you..."

He diverted his gaze to his fingers, fiddling with them.

Sighing loudly, I got down the bed and walked towards him. He watched me, until I stood besides him.

I crouched down, and looked at him.

"It's okay. You did everything for your work. You don't have to be sorry for that. And besides, I don't really care about that danger..."

I paused and glanced at his lower waist.

Travelling my eyes back to meet his, I held cupped his cheeks.

"All I do is care about you Jimin..."

His eyes went wide, as he smiled cheekily showing his cute eye smile.

I slowly pecked his lips once, and immediately pulled him into a hug. He sat there like a statue, out of words.

That's it.

The Nerd and the Tomboy || PJMKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat