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I reached my locker, and took out my books.

"Hey..." A deep voice interrupted me.

I closed my locker, to see Felix and Taehyung.

"Hey..." I smiled and glanced at Taehyung, who kept looking at me intensely while smiling.

"Umm y/n, I wanna have a talk with you..." Felix said, while clearing his throat.

"Yeah sure..."

We walked at a corner, and stood near the door.

"What happened?"

"First of all, I'm really sorry for hurting your friend before..." he stared at the floor, fiddling with his fingers.

"And, I won't repeat the same mistake again. She will be happy..." he looked at me, waiting for my reply.

"Hmm, but do you really love her?"

"Yeah I do...I was planning a party for our relationship..."

My eyes widened.

"Ohh, really?"

He nodded while smiling with his freckles.

"That's great then. I just want you both to be happy and I don't want her to get hurt again..." I smiled sadly.

"That's on me. I promise..." he smiled cheekily, while showing me his pinky finger.

I chuckled and attached my finger into his, shaking it lightly.

"Okay then, I gotta go!" I said, and we walked to our classes.

While going, I spotted Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Rose.

I ran towards their group.

"Heyy!" I hugged Jungkook as always, and he hugged me back.

He is my comfort person always...

"Someone's going on a dat-" I quickly covered Rose's mouth, giving her a glare.
I fake laughed as I removed my hand, because now it was revealed who was going on a date.

Dumb y/n!

"Woah y/n! Wait- you didn't-" Jungkook spoke, while I interrupted.

"Ah no! It's just...ha ha!" I fake laughed.

Meanwhile, the bell rang and we quickly walked into our class.

"Thank god..." I murmured to myself, while taking a seat.

I looked over at Taehyung, who was walking towards me. I waved my hand to he waved me back. As he was approaching me, a heavy bag landed besides me.

I looked over to see Jimin sitting, while taking his books out.

"Hey! Taehyung was gonna sit here!" I said while hitting the desk.

"We have to do our project, right? Y/n?" He looked at me innocently through his glasses.


He gave me serious yet innocent look.

"Ugh! Fine!" I stomped my foot and looked away.

Soon, our class started. To be honest, me and Taehyung stole glances in between the lecture. He really looked so cute today, so I couldn't help but stare at him.

Meanwhile, Jimin noticed us staring at each other, and he sighed loudly. I rolled my eyes at him and ignored him.



"I told you to not be close with Taey-"

"I'm going on a date with him" I said and causally started writing.

The Nerd and the Tomboy || PJMWhere stories live. Discover now