CH: 8

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After visiting the café a few more times, at the same time hoping to see her again, might make me sound like a lovesick guy.

Lovesick? I guess I am one now.
Because of her.

I did expect to see her at least once in the past two weeks, and I definitely wanted to make it look like an accident, and I even took Kkuma to the clinic this week because Seungcheol insisted but she wasn't there. I know she has been stuck in my mind and I don't have a way out, it's not like I can't focus on my work, it's just that I... miss... her

Hell did I just admit that to myself?

I wanted to face-palm myself, how can I be like this, what has she done to me?

If this goes on, I think this whole month will pass away, me missing her and wanting to see her. I sighed inside my car, I was getting off for today, and I needed some rest because I've been working overtime for the last four days. I can trust my secretary and take a small leave today. I loosen up my tie and let it be. I wanted to go home and sleep but my other half wanted to go and visit the café; it was surely past that time when we last met but I still wanted to go there.

'hope' is a weird thing, always; it makes you do things and believe things.

I know there's no chance or maybe a very thin chance of her sitting in a corner but I want to go and see.

I drove away to the café and parked my car. I kept my coat inside the car and went out to go inside the café. I entered the café and Daisy gave me a smile, I smiled back at her. I went to order and she took my order. After paying I was about to go and sit on my usual seat and then I noticed, someone, sitting over my usual seat.

A smile formed on my face, I almost couldn't believe it. This was the most unusual time I expected her to see, it's evening and it looked like she was working on her iPad. I didn't realize I was just standing here and staring at her, she looked so beautiful even from far away, anyone could recognize her right away because of her beauty.

I finally started walking towards her, she looked so focused, I have to admit, I love the way she's focused on her work, it makes her look goddamn attractive.

So attractive.

"Mind if I sit here?" she removed one airpod and looked up at me.

Jesus Christ how can she be so breathtaking, she just looked at me.

"Jeonghan?" She smiled at me.

No matter how many times I said, I'll say it again, I love the way she calls my name. I love my name only when she calls it.

"Take a seat" she paused whatever she was doing and removed her another earpiece as well; she smiled at me again.

Her goddamn smile, how can I not fall in love with her smile?

"Hi" she said and smiled again, and I took a seat facing her.

"How have you been?" I asked her, she took a sip of her hot chocolate. She was about to answer when my drink came, I looked at Kevin, "enjoy" the small smile and smirk went unnoticed by her but I could see and I wanted to wipe off that smirk from his face.

"Everything's good except I got a bit busy" I nodded, taking a sip from the drink, "What about you?"

"Busy with meetings, and worked a bit overtime this week." my schedule was so tight this month, I was already exhausted.

"Seems like we will be getting busier with our work" she sighed, "Something's wrong?" she shook her head, "Nothing's wrong, it's just me whose work is piling up slowly but I am trying to complete everything. Sometimes I don't even have the time to breath because of academics."

"I see" I trailed off, "Did I just bore you?" she asked me all of a sudden, I shook my head and laughed, "Why would you think that?"

"Just..." she trailed off, "But are you a regular here Jeonghan?" she looked at me, with her hopeful eyes or was I reading the room wrong.

"Yes, I'm a regular here, I come here often and bring my bestfriend occasionally."
"Oh" she formed a whole O, "are you?"

"I might become a regular now, I've been coming to this café for the last three weeks, since I found this café" Three weeks... exactly when we met here in this café and that coffee accident happened with her.

If she becomes a regular here, I might get a chance to see her and meet her again. I was unknowingly smiling at this thought, getting to see her adorable face made me smile.

"What happened?" I came back to reality, I was about to say something but her phone started ringing. She picked up the call.

"Okay, I'm coming"

She hung up and started packing up her stuffs. "I'm sorry Jeonghan, I need to go. It's an emergency. Let's meet tomorrow and catch up"

"Do I drop you off?" she was in a hurry.

"No, no, it's fine. I'll be leaving first" She smiled at me again and started walking towards the exit.

That one smile, nothing can describe it anymore, my heart skipped a beat at her smile.

I saw her walking away with her bag, I looked at the seat she was sitting on before leaving. I was wondering how her smile melts me, despite how I am feeling. 

Never thought, a person's existence could make me go through so many emotions, I fear what would happen if she gets to know what happens inside me because of her, her smile, her presence, everything screws me up. She's enchanting to me.

Catching a glimpse of her, while she's focused on her work, catching a glimpse of her accidentally, wanting an excuse to see her only, I never thought I would do these things just for her.

just for one person.


Author's Note:

Helllllloooo readers!

I'm back but sadly exams didn't end yet. Yes, academics are very exhausting and I hope I make through it.

Also, feel free to leave reviews about this chapter!!!

Happy Reading <3

LAVENDER HAZE [YOON JEONGHAN]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz