CH: 7

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"I'm soaking it in warm water for now, you change slowly. There's no hurry." I heard Bora say and I changed into another white shirt. Bora's wardrobe is getting full of whites and blacks, god, monochrome wardrobe. She needs to buy other colours as well, I need to take her on a shopping spree soon. Once I was done, I came out of her room and saw her sitting on the sofa.

Before she could speak anything, I spoke, "I need to complete one assignment so, we can talk while I do my work." I took out my papers and notebook and went to sit on the chair.


I started writing and Bora started speaking, I know she needs all the details, and this is what I get for keeping her as my bestfriend. "Who's Jeonghan?"

"You saw him just now, he's a human being"

"LUNA! I know he's a human being" there she goes and my ears,
"I don't know... he came to our clinic twice with his puppy" I took and pause and pictured Kkuma, she's so adorable. "and we happened to meet today, more like while I was standing in the queue a guy spilled coffee on my shirt, well. I was pissed about that, Jeonghan was quick to give me the coat because you saw how big the stain is." I turned to take a glance of Bora, she was nodding. "That's it?" her face looked like she needed more details.

"Of course, he suggested me to drop me at my home, but then I declined because"

"it's far and you've class" both of us completed the sentence and laughed, "and you're nearby so why not" she was smiling at me.

"So, you guys met for the third time today?" I nodded at her words, "Woah" she looked surprised, "what happened?" I gave her a puzzled look.

"This is kind of the first time I saw you with a guy, more like a guy bringing you home" she had a silly smile on her face, I can sense what is she thinking, "No. Bora, no"

"I didn't even say anything"

"I can read your mind, Bora, did you forget you're my bestfriend Lee Bora" she crossed her arms against her chest, "Fine but I can see the way he looks at you" something inside me got curious, I wanted to know but I didn't want to know at the same time, whatever she saw or felt looking at Jeonghan.

"How... does he look at me?" I trailed off not sure of do I want to know or not

"Like he doesn't want to let you go" I was so flustered and looked at Bora, I slapped her hand, "it's not possible, we only met thrice. And I didn't even realize he didn't know my name until today. He asked my name and I told him." I put my focus on my assignment again. After completing it, I checked everything once again before arranging everything and putting it inside my bag.

"Do you want to drink or eat something, Luna?" I shook my head, it reminded me of how Jeonghan brought a drink for me.

"I'm making coffee for myself then"
"Okay" she still brought cookies for me even after declining.


Coming back home after such a tiring day. But I'm glad I submitted my assignments on time without missing the deadlines and attended two important classes, I can miss other classes but not these, these are very important for me. Also, I'm lowkey happy because my thesis paperwork is progressing, I hope everything turns out well.

I went straight to my bed, after taking a nice shower. I don't have the energy to make dinner tonight, I'll probably order something. I have so many work pilled up and it is so difficult to catch up with everything. Studies, assignments, presentations, and now a goddamn research paper. I sighed, I need to go to work tomorrow.

It reminded me of Jeonghan and Bora's words started ringing inside my mind

Like he doesn't want to let you go

That's not even possible, how is he supposed to feel like that when he doesn't even know me, except for three brief meetings and small talks nothing happened. I just know the basic details about him, because of the appointment or else I don't even know where he works or anything about him. And he just knows my name, he doesn't know anything about me. Absolutely nothing. I don't think Bora is correct this time, she met Jeonghan for the first time maybe excitement got her all wrong.

I closed my mind for a fraction of a second and my mind automatically went to Bora's words again. I opened my eyes and shook my head, "Oh god no" I muttered to myself, I need to pull myself together, why am I even thinking about all these? And it's not like we are even meeting again.

He helped me today, I'll buy him something next time if we ever meet again as a payback and that's it. We are never meeting again because it's not possible, given the busy schedule he told me last time, it's not possible for us to meet again until and unless Kkuma is sick and I really hope that baby doesn't fall sick, she's so precious. That's it. I shrug off all the thoughts related to Jeonghan.

No Jeonghan from now on inside my mind. I've to focus.

I sighed and went to check my phone so that I can order dinner for myself.

Today was a long day.

Author's Note:

Well, what do you think? How does Jeonghan look at Luna?

I'm curious what do you all think? Want to share?

Happy reading!

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