CH: 2

436 13 14


I was going through a few research papers, since today was supposed to be a 'less busy day.' I was alone for now so why not check a few research papers? I had to start working on the thesis as well later. Doing an internship was tiring at times but working here makes me happy, no matter how tired I get sometimes.

I smiled, thinking about the good memories.

I arranged my lesson plans and updated my course plans. I was enjoying the day with paperwork but yes, I missed the way it used to busy, I quickly shrugged off the thoughts and started looking for the research paper I was searching for; I was clicking all the links and was trying to go through them quickly so that I find the right one and read it. I took off my AirPods and kept them on the table. And I suddenly remembered that I kept a piece of paper inside the file where I listed down a few websites which would help me. I was so focused on searching for that paper which I kept inside the file and I can't find it now. I was wondering how could I forget where I kept the paper and suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Hello" I lifted my face to look at the person, who was holding a cute puppy in his arms, I got this sudden urge to tell him that his voice was so soft and sweet that it almost sounded like a melody but I held back myself before I complimented his voice in reality. He suddenly smiled but I was confused because as far as I remember we probably didn't have appointments right now or maybe we had and I wasn't informed. But then again, it's very unlikely of them, because I'm an intern and they inform me about everything.

Or did he just come randomly for just a checkup for his puppy because I haven't seen him here ever since I started working here. I had so many unanswered questions inside me but I kept them aside and thought to ask him what's the matter so I kept the file and tugged my side bangs behind my ears so that I could take a better look at the puppy, and him because his smile looked so pretty, "How can I help you?" I asked him but he looked lost.

I took this chance to admire his eyes, he got beautiful eyes, like something dreamy and misty and whose beauty can't be just described in words. I came back to earth after admiring his eyes, and then asked him again with a knock on the reception desk "how can I help you?" he looked startled and said "ah- yes"

"I want her-

"Appointment?" I asked him, he looked lost and a bit nervous. Was it his first time visiting a vet?

"Yes," he looked hesitant, "let me make a call?" I saw him taking out his phone from his pocket and his fingers looked beautiful, I realized I was slowly checking him out. I had to stop or he might catch me staring so I logged into the computer, after minimizing my work tab, and checked today's appointment list.

I was about to ask the name, then I heard "Seungcheol did you even take today's appointment for Kkuma?" his voice rang into my ears, I pulled my eyes apart from the computer and looked at him, the way he was holding Kkuma, I heard her name from him a few seconds ago. I shook my head mentally and tried to keep my eyes on the computer.


"Excuse me?" He came towards the reception table, "Yes?"

"Can I book a slot right now?" I checked all the slots for today since I was searching for Kkuma's name, and it wasn't easy. "It's difficult like it's kind of full for today and you can come tomorrow, we don't have a lot of appointments tomorrow. I can schedule one for tomorrow."

He sighed, "I'm really sorry because my friend didn't book an appointment beforehand, but please try to make it today. it's really difficult for me and my friend to get off days because we work, and I know it's a lame excuse but none of us are free tomorrow and Kkuma looks like she needs a check-up right now." He took a deep breath, "So please... try to give us a slot for today."

I went through all the slots once again, the only free time is right now. I had two options, to do her check-up right now or cancel it. I can't ignore her.

I took a deep breath and took a seat infront of the computer, I had to enter all the data first then, "please tell me the name"

"Huh?" I looked at him, why was he surprised, I wonder did I say something wrong? I think it's probably because he already used her name but yet I had to ask him and get confirmation

"Her name?" I repeated again,
"OH, Kkuma, k-k-u-m-a"

"Your name?"
"Yoon Jeonghan"

"My number?"

I turned to look at him, "yes? Because I need to fill up your details along with Kkuma"

"OH okay," I mentally facepalmed myself.

I filled up the necessary details and saved the file. Once I was done, I looked at him, there was something in his eyes, they looked lovely and the moment I took a look at Kkuma, I felt nice maybe it was because I haven't felt this way in the past few weeks.

I extended my hand so that he can hand over Kkuma to me. He looked at me and I saw him extending his hand, I was confused, and he looked confused. Is this his first time coming to a vet? Or a clinic with his pet?

"I meant Kkuma" he hurriedly took back his hand and carefully handed over Kkuma to me. I smiled at him.

"So, Kkuma is this your first time with him?" she was silent and I wanted to check what was wrong with Kkuma. There are chances she got an upset stomach or some other issues.

I walked towards the check-up area, and I felt Jeonghan was following me.

"How's her appetite? Is she eating well?"

I asked him but he looked blank, don't tell me he doesn't know, it's his puppy after all? I sighed and turned to look at him, he was looking embarrassed and scratching his neck.

"You need to take care of her." I walked towards the area and kept Kkuma in bed. She was so silent the whole time.

After checking her thoroughly, I turned to look at Jeonghan. "She got an upset stomach, I'm writing down a few things you need to give to her and I will give meds as well. And follow a balanced diet for Kkuma and let me know how she is after a few days. Okay?"

He nodded.

"She'll be okay, don't worry too much" I smiled and assured him.

Author's Note:


I'm so sorry for this late update, I'll update soon. Classes are tiring me and I can't even stay awake because of how tired I get after classes. but thankyou for reading~

And are you excited about Luna and Jeonghan's story?

Happy reading~

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