CH: 1

705 19 21


"Jeonghan ah~" this guy had the audacity to call me right now like this, he is trying to make me work when I clearly don't want to.

"No, Seungcheol, let me enjoy my day off." I could feel him sulking while holding his phone, "just this time, please Jeonghan. Please?" I could see him being desperate for me to say yes. "Please Jeonghan" I shook my head and as if he could see me, "Please" he paused for a minute, "ah please"

"No, I don't want to go" I pulled the blankets to cover myself, because I was really not in the mood to go. I heard him whining and then he spoke again

"What do you want?"

"one million?" I just told him randomly, he wanted me to go out on my off day, more over to a vet because of Kkuma, I mean okay, it's Kkuma but still, he can take her why telling me?

"Which account tell me, I will send you right now" I gasped, "Are you for real Seungcheol?" I could see him smiling with victory, "I'll send you the details later" I got up from my bed "I'm coming in 15" he just knows how to convince me every time.

Just like I told him, I got ready in 10 minutes. There was nothing to get ready, I changed into a white tee and jeans. I took my car keys and went out of my house. And since Seungcheol's place wasn't very far away and in the same neighborhood, I drove to the other block and it took me hardly 5 to 7 minutes to reach him.

As soon as I rang the bell, I saw him standing infront of me smiling so big. I wanted to facepalm myself, how can he smile so big while standing infront of me.

"Come inside, Kkuma is waiting" I scoffed at him, "I should be the one waiting for you and Kkuma. Now tell me why aren't YOU going and why is it me? you could've called anyone else but why me?? please make some sense Seungcheol?"

"I've some work Jeonghan, I need to leave right now, or else you know I wouldn't call you but Kkuma seems to have some problem ever since she woke up, I was supposed to take her to the vet but I need to go and attend one meeting right now."

"That's why you're dressed up, I thought you had some date right now" I looked at him, "Out of all people, you, YOON JEONGHAN know I keep my work life away from my dating LIFE." I laughed at him, very well knowing he is a workaholic.

"Stop laughing, Jeonghan" I looked at him, "then what am I supposed to do?"

"Please take Kkuma for a check-up, I'm really worried about her" he looked down, and I could tell how much it affected him. I nodded and followed him to his bedroom.

I got inside his bedroom and spotted Kkuma, Seungcheol walked towards her carefully, and I looked at him; the sight of Kkuma and Seungcheol together makes me soft every time. He picked up Kkuma and walked towards me, he kissed Kkuma, and he looked apologetic towards her.

"Kkuma, Jeonghan will take you and be a good girl, okay?" I took Kkuma in my arms, "Don't worry too much and go attend your meeting"

"Thank you Jeonghan ah" I smiled at him, "Stop it, and go attend your meeting" he nodded, "Let's go together then?" I nodded at his words.

He walked towards his study table and opened the drawer, he gave me a card, "take Kkuma here" I nodded and we came out of his bedroom.

Kkuma was quiet, the whole time I was driving. I wonder what happened, I know sometimes Kkuma is very sulky just like Seungcheol himself. Like father like daughter. I don't see any difference between them at times, really.

I was driving carefully, because I had Kkuma with me. After a few minutes, I reached the place, I parked the car first and then carefully took Kkuma in my arms. I looked at Kkuma, and I realized she really needed a check-up.

I took a deep breath and entered the shop, it was an automatic door, so I didn't have to push the door open, thankfully. And not to mention this was the first time I was visiting a vet, there was no reason to be nervous yet I was.

I was about to say something when someone caught my eyes as soon as I entered; someone beautiful, literally felt like she was glowing infront of me, and her wearing a white coat, gave me the feelings I never had till date.

She had short hair, not too short but perfect hair length and her side bangs fell on her face perfectly, and sometimes covering one side of her face whenever she was looking for something, she looked so focused on her work. It looked like she was searching for something in that file. I wanted to look at her and admire, that was my first thought when I saw her for the first time. I didn't want to interrupt her work.

'Yoon Jeonghan you're here for KKUMA'

I snapped out of my own thoughts and cleared my throat and walked towards the reception.

"Hello" I looked at her with a smile but she looked at me, with a surprised face and a very unreadable expression. I couldn't understand what was the emotion. Was she stressed or surprised or taken back or didn't expect me to be here, or did she notice I was looking at her that intensely?

"How can I help you?" she tugged her side bangs behind her ears, and I wouldn't lie, my heart skipped a beat. Just like her, her voice was beautiful and felt like a beautiful song to me. Her voice was like a sound where you can get lost and wouldn't want to come back to reality.

"How can I help you?" her voice echoed throughout the whole room and I came back to earth, to the reality; she was standing infront of me, asking me something, I almost forgot about Kkuma's appointment.

"Ah- yes" I breathed out nervously

Author's Note:

Do you remember that iconic jeongcheol weverse live where cheol wanted jeonghan's specs and he was like please please and all pouty baby and jenghan finally gave in, I was reminded of that while writing this.

And how do you like it, this is literally my first time, making a playist and adding dedication. I am nervous, do let me know your thoughts!

and Happy new year! hope you have an amazing year ahead and sending lots of love and hugs to the readers.

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