Chapter 1

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I walked down the streets of Detroit, my hometown, I did my normal walk around checking out the city. That was until I heard what sounded like a young girl scream around the corner.

I ran as fast as I could, almost knocking over the girl. She looks around 15 with cute blue short hair. From her expression the person calling her name she seemed to not like.

"Rachel," the woman called out. I assumed it was her name. I looked down at the girl who obviously didn't seem okay.

"Hey look at me, are you okay, do you know that lady?" I asked, she just shook her head. I turned to the woman telling her to back off. The woman didn't seem to get the memo.

Now I am not the smartest person in the world considering the first thing that came to my mind was to throw a brick at a nearby police car.

Next thing I knew we were both in the police car heading to the station. I looked down at the girl looking at her scared face. "I'm Ember by the way, don't worry you're safe okay." "I'm Rachel, thank you!" The blue haired girl gave me a little smile and I just gave her a little hug, letting go when we arrived at the station.

I sat in the interrogation room for what felt like 10 years until a man walked in the room. "Hi, I am Detective Dick Grayson." The man said as he took a seat on the chair opposite of mine. "Your name is Dick, well that's interesting." I said to the man. "So, Ember Jones, record here I see." The man continued ignoring my comment. "Yea I guess I am pretty famous." I jokingly said back

"What made you throw a brick at a police car, Miracle Child?" The man asked, "First of all, don't call me that, I hate it and second I was helping the girl, someone was trying to take her."

I hated that so called nickname more than anything all it did was bring back the memories from that night. I was known as the Miracle Child for a long time after the fire. People saw me as nothing but that and that affected my life growing up. People either thought I was Miracle from heaven or a monster from hell who shouldn't have survived. Mostly from the kids in foster care, making it very hard to make friends. Over time the nickname grew out and now I am just known as plain old Ember, which I like a lot better

" Okay, I am sorry, look I have to talk to Rachel so sit tight and I will be back to tell you what will happen next, okay?" The man said. "Yes, yes now hurry I don't have all day." I smiled at the man as he walked out then immediately dropping my smile crossing my arms waiting for him to come back

I sat looking around the room, wondering how that girl was. After what probably was 20 minutes I walked out of the room, I wanted to go check on the girl and they wouldn't even notice anyways so why does it matter.

I walked down the hallway but was interrupted by what sounded like Rachel screaming for help. I ran outside but it was too late . Someone took her in a police car. I looked over to find Dick standing there running away. I ran after him, knowing he was going after her and I needed to find her and comfort her and make sure she was okay.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Dick asked, standing in front of a car. "Look you can arrest me or whatever later but we need to find her please." I begged. He agreed and we both went into the car driving after Rachel.

After driving for a while we stopped at the place the car ended up. Both me and Dick cautiously walked around the place. "Stay behind me you don't have any weapons on you" Dick said as he led the way. Boy was he wrong though I would've said that I do have weapons on me 24/7 but I didn't just in case I shouldn't trust him, so I just agreed.

We kept walking until we found a room we heard Rachel yelling from. Just as we were about to enter the room the door closed, knocking both of us to the ground. "Ow" I complained, then proceeded to stand up banging on the door yelling for Rachel.

Soon later everything went quiet and Dick unlocked the door and we both walked in. What I didn't expect is to find a man dead on the ground, ignoring his presence I ran over to Rachel untying her and giving her a huge hug. "What happened?" Dick asked, "I don't know" the scared girl answered.

We all walked out of the building towards Dick's car. I put my arm around Rachel's shoulder giving her a side hug. "This is yours?" Rachel asked as we stopped in front of the car "Family heirloom." Dick answered, "From the circus?" Rachel asked curiously

I knew about The Grayson circus drama and soon after meeting Dick I realized he was the little boy who lost both of his parents. I felt kinda bad because I knew what that was like first hand.

"Not the one you're thinking of?" he answered. I stood there in confusion but ignored it as I sat in the passenger seat. "So where are we going?" I asked, "Somewhere safe" Dick said as he started the car, "You don't have anywhere to be right?"

"Nope" I smiled back at him, I was excited I was going out of Detroit and going on a road trip, I have been stuck there for years and couldn't leave since I didn't have the money. I wanted to explore the world and not just sit down in old little Detroit where nothing happens.

After a while Rachel broke the silence, " My mom says there's no such thing as monsters. I think she was wrong" I turned around facing her, " hey, listen I know what it feels like to be called a monster and to seem as one, believe me, you are not a monster Rachel."

Rachel gave me a slight smile looking down at her lap, I turned back around facing the road ahead of us.

I knew that Rachel was a lot like me, more than I wanted her to be but that also gave me the feeling that I need to show her what not to do with these so called "great powers" the world has given us both.

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