- t h i r t y t h r e e -

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"She was an angel that made even the devil want to get to heaven."

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- E M E R A L D - R I C C I -

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- E M E R A L D - R I C C I -

As I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, I can't seem to fall asleep and turn to my right side, glancing out the large window at the storm raging outside.

With a sigh, I watch the rain fall heavily, my thoughts drifting off to the previous week I had requested space from Eros.

I felt really guilty for some reason because I was ignoring him. I didn't let him touch me or kiss me, and was completely ignoring his presence. But he didn't seem to mind it which made me deflate for some reason.

Was I that insignificant?

I did see him many times this week but Vanessa had told me to 'give him hell', as she said and not talk to him for at least two weeks, but I don't think I would be able to go on that long without seeing him again.

I don't why though.

I felt my eyes closing, finally, sleep taking over me. I was probably asleep for nearly half an hour when a deafening thunder crack was heard, making my eyes snap open and I sat up in bed suddenly, scared out of my wits.

My heart beat erratically in my chest and I gulped, looking out the window at the swinging trees and grey clouds, the rain falling down with pattering sounds on the window.

I placed a hand on my chest with a sigh and tried to calm myself down when another loud crack made me squeal and back up into the headboard, my blanket tightly wound around me and bunched up in my fists.

The rain fell harder and the dark only made it even more scarier. I wasn't afraid of storms, but instead I liked the rain and chilly breeze, but this was a big one.

Without a second thought, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and carefully placed my feet on the cold tiled floor, a shudder racking my body as I tip toed to the door and stepped out into the dimly lit hallway, looking around like a robber.

When I saw no one, I quietly padded to the room next to mine, biting my lip in nervousness as I face the door before turning the handle and stepping inside carefully.

The light from the hallway illuminated the room in the slightest and my eyes fell on a hunched over figure at the edge of the bed, slumped on the floor with their back to the bed.

When I saw the figure flinch slightly at the next thunder crack, I felt something tug inside my chest as I realised who it was and walked over to the person slowly, careful not to make too much noise.

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