The Funeral; Part 1 - XVI

Start from the beginning

"I know that this is a really sad day and all, but I think you'll look stunning in that jumpsuit," Jameson says as I walk back over to where I was sitting before, but not before sticking my clothes down on the bed "You know you really don't need makeup," Jameson continued.

"Well, I don't exactly want people seeing my look a bit green and nauseous in front of a ton of people," I say as I begin the simple layer of foundation after priming, then adding concealer.

"What do you want your hair to look like?" Jameson asked and grabbed the chair from my desk and then sat behind me.

"You know, in exactly the past two weeks, both you and Xander have asked me the same question," I say as I chuckle.

"Well, I asked him to look after you, so clearly that's what he did," Jameson said as he grabbed one of my hairbrushes and combed it through my hair.

"If you are going to do my hair, could you maybe, please, do a couple of braids into buns just on either side of my head, behind my ears," I say as I add a little bit of blush and highlighter, before grabbing my eyeshadow kit to add a dash of bronze eyeshadow.

"Will do, darling," Jameson said and then partitioned my hair into two.

"Lovoo," I said, smiling at Jameson's reflection.

"Lovoo too," Jameson replied, smiling back at my goofy ass grin.



About twenty-five minutes until the funeral starts.

After Jameson had finished my hair, Xander had showed up with the suit, so we were ready within the hour, so we headed down to the kitchen where we found Xander drinking what was presumably coffee and Alice rapidly chomping down on some breakfast, cleary not ready and looking like she had just woken up.

"I really want to annoy you for waking up late, but I have no excuse except the pregnancy card, which I'm giving myself limited use of, so, just go get ready and you can bring your breakfast back to your room," I say as I go over lazily to get my own breakfast and a cup of tea.

"Alright, mum," Alice says, rolling her eyes at me, before wandering back to her room, still chomping on her toast.

"Motherly instincts kicking in yet?" Xander asks, a slight please-don't-kill-me! look scattered across his face.

"Eh, not really," I say as I sip on my tea, waiting for my toast to pop.

"Really!" Jameson exclaims, and then turns to Xander to prove me wrong "I'll use last night as an example. Katie woke up, rushed to the bathroom and puked, because something in our room, on my side of the bed, is making her puke-" Jameson says, and tries to continue, but only for me to cut him off for a quick side note.

"We haven't figured out what though. Personally, I think it may be your face wash," I point out before shutting up because of Jameson's pointed look that I snigger at slightly.

"Anyway," Jameson continues "Last night, she woke up, and I woke up with her because, well, sorry Katie, but you have elephant feet," Jameson says, with the same look Xander had just moments ago.

"None taken, I know I do," I say before shutting up again.

"So basically, I get up with her, and make sure that she's taking care of herself, and drinking water, but when Kaitlyn Elizabeth Lysandral first takes a break from puking, do you want to know what she does? Tells me to go back to bed, tells me that 'she'll be fine' and then lists off statistics on how I need sleep. Though, I had managed to find out that women need more sleep than men, so me staying up with Katie is a completely okay thing regarding my health, but of course, her motherly instincts are trying to send me back to bed," Jameson rants on, and I snigger at different parts as Xander looks at me with a face that I just snigger at more.

"Fine, maybe they are kicking in," I say quietly as I get my toast out of the toaster and bite down on it as we all laugh and talk about the story Jameson told.


Hi everyone!

So, I know this was going to be a really long chapter, so I have split it into 2 so then I can work on them, but I don't get overly bored in writing it like I have with 'Freedom' because those chapters are ridiculously long and I can't believe how long they actually are, so yeah, anyway, I will update soon, with part two!

See Ya, bye!

- Rachel

UPDATED; 06/04/2023

WORDS; 1414

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