195: Who Has Lost?

Start from the beginning

"Huh?" Neptune said.

"Who?" Blake asked, twitching her ears.

"Yang," Sun said.

"Oh, because of that... thing," Blake said.

"Yeah," Sun said.

"Wait, you know?" Neptune squeaked.

"All of us do," Blake said. "I mean, all the girls. She told us."

"Seriously?" Neptune said.

"You told me," Sun said.

"But we're, like, best buddies. Why would...?" Neptune sputtered.

"Don't guys talk about their scores?" Blake said, cutting her eyes at him.

"Uhh...." Neptune didn't want to answer that. 

[Frankly, I think movies probably exaggerate how often that happens. I've never heard guys in real life do that. I guess it's more of a locker room thing.]

"Tell him he should just talk to her," Sun said. "It's no big deal."

"I mean... it's Yang," Blake said. "She's not really shy. I think she'd be fine with that."

"Wait, why hasn't she though?" Sun twitched his tail.

"I don't know. Maybe she thinks the guy should make a move," Blake shrugged. "If you didn't notice, Yang and I really don't have the same approach to flirting."

[As in Blake has no approach whatsoever most of the time😂.]

"No, really?" Sun couldn't resist saying kind of dryly. Blake pretended to hit his arm.

"I guess," Neptune said. "Does that mean she likes me though?"

"I'm not going to answer that. You ask her," Blake said roundly.

"Well, if she talked about it, she does, right?" Sun said.

"Maybe." Blake was vague.

"But... why?" Neptune said that without thinking. He was pretty tired and not his usual level of trying to be cool.

"Huh?" Sun said.

"Did I say that out loud?" Neptune asked sheepishly.

"Why does she?" Blake said. "I don't know."

"Blake, that's just mean," Sun said. "Neptune's cool."

"I guess, just not normally what I'd think Yang would be into," Blake said. "But then, we've never talked about it. Actually, Yang and I have barely talked about anything."

"But you're partners," Sun said.

"We were more of the punch things together than girl talk partners," Blake said. "I mean, I don't talk that much, period." [They kind of changed her personality completely after Volume 5, didn't they?]

"Well, that's a nice friend right there." Sun made a sweeping motion. "If you fight together, that's real tight."

"Yeah, but I don't think I've ever even talked about where I'm from with her..." Blake was slowly realizing that she wasn't a very good partner.

"You're not scared, are you?" Sun apparently couldn't fathom Neptune being scared of girls. [Couldn't fathom Neptune? See what I did there...'cause ocean?]

"What? No." Neptune sounded totally nervous.

"Dude, just talk to her," Sun said. "That's what I did with Blake."

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