Chapter thirty seven

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Noah's POV:

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Noah's POV:

"Alright." I ended the call with Sebastian, confirming Rose's birthday. The weight of my thoughts lingered as I leaned back in my chair, a swirl of emotions tightening in my chest.


"What was one thing you wished for as a kid and are planning to do?" Rose asked, her voice light as she jogged beside me, her breath visible in the crisp morning air. She had dragged me out for this walk, and though I normally hated anything that involved exertion, with her, it was different. I'd go anywhere she led, as long as she was by my side.

"Nothing; I do everything I want," I answered truthfully, trying to mask the sudden warmth spreading through my chest. With her, it was impossible to keep things buried.

"What about you?" I asked, almost curious despite myself.

"I really wanted to own an aquarium and to own a horse too," she grinned, her gaze drifting upwards as if she could see those dreams floating in the sky.

I wanted to catch them for her, hold them close until they became a reality.

As we neared the end of the street, Rowan came into view, and my good mood soured instantly. I cursed inwardly, forcing myself to stay calm as Rose's face lit up at the sight of him.

"Hey, Lela," he greeted her, that stupid nickname making me bristle.

"Hey, come walk with us," she invited, intertwining their hands like it was the most natural thing in the world. The sight clawed at my insides, green frustration igniting in my gut. I wanted to rip his hand away from hers, to make him understand that she belonged to me, even if she didn't fully realize it yet.

'Why do you care so much?' my subconscious taunted, but I shoved it aside. I knew why.

We walked until we reached McDonald's, and the scent of greasy fries filled the air. "Are you hungry?" I asked, placing a hand on Rose's back, the warmth of her skin seeping through my fingers.

"Noah, I am not hungry," Rowan quipped sarcastically, earning an eye roll from me. I ignored him, focusing solely on Rose.

"Come, let's go eat." I took her hand, the simple touch calming the storm inside me as I led her into the restaurant. She protested softly, but I didn't give her a chance to argue. I couldn't let her slip away.

As we stood in line, a guy behind me decided he'd had enough patience and rudely cut in front of us. I turned to ask Rose what she wanted, but the sight of that jerk taking my place made my blood boil. I felt the familiar urge to reach for my gun, to end his arrogance with a single move, but then I felt her soft hand on mine, halting me. She raised her eyebrows, giving me that 'don't you dare' look. It was all it took to stop me.

She stepped in front of the guy, reclaiming our place in line without a word, her confidence like a beacon. "Hey, that's my turn," he started, towering over her, but she just smirked.

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