Chapter seven

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Isabella's POV:

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Isabella's POV:

I woke up feeling my back laid on a comfy bed, remembering that my bed stinks, which is the main reason why I have bone problems. It smells like tropical fruits, while my room smells like vanilla. I open my eyes to cream and beige colours; otherwise, my room is grey. I realised I was not in my room. My head was pounding, and I felt dizzy. My ear was plugged.

The last thing I remember from last night was sleeping on Noah's rough chest.

I got up from the bed and walked outside the room. I saw an aeroplane; it looked like the one in the movie 365 Days.

I was looking left and right, and I saw the window. I came closer, and I was in an aeroplane!

''Good morning'' I heard a rough voice come from behind me.

''I need an explanation; why am I here?'' I raised my voice at the end of the sentence. I am being kidnapped.

''Firstly, don't raise your voice'' His voice is low and husky, informing me that I am supposed to be afraid of him, but I am not.

''And what is secondly?'' I interrupted Noah's sentence, and I could clearly see the annoyance on his face.

''Sit down; I'll explain'' I am officially kidnapped!

He sat and arrowed his finger on the opposite chair, which was placed in front of him.

I had no choice; I took a seat and sat in front of him.

''Ok, so yesterday, after you slept, we drove you to my mansion''

MANSION: HE IS A MAFIA BOSS. If I am not wrong, I'll have a chance to live my Wattpad dream.

''Do you own a mafia?'' I asked before he could open his mouth to finish his sentence.

''Let me speak'' he said, sounding annoyed.

I nodded my head, and he carried on.

''I placed you on my bed and went to my office. I got a threatening call from my father: if you don't come with me to the ball event, you will get killed''

I was left speechless.




That's not how Wattpad stories are.

A moment passed, and neither of us mumbled a word.

''Where are we going'' I stuttered, and I was about to get a panic attack.

What about my university, bakery, and medicine?

And most importantly, what about Ava? She will drive me crazy.

''Italy'' he replied.

''ITALY????'' Nevermind, I am planning on writing a Wattpad story if I don't get killed.

''What's wrong?'' He asked confusedly,

''You won't even understand'' I had dreams with my father of travelling to Italy together after I finished studying.

''What about my life in New York?''

''You won't stay forever, just for 2 weeks'' he replied, as if it were usual to kidnap someone after you save them.

A woman appeared from far away; she is beautiful with blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes, and an amazing body shape. She wore heels, along with a purple bodysuit with a white shirt underneath.

''We will land in 45 minutes, boss'' she smirked after she finished her sentence, then she left.

''If you want to, you can look in the window''

I looked at him first, then I went to the window. It is beautiful, Italy; it looked amazing. We were in the morning.

I came back to my place, and he was scrolling through his phone.

''So what is the plan?'' I asked as he put down his phone and looked me in the eye.

''We will act like we are engaged, and you will attend the ball event with me, then you will stay for another week or two, then you will fly back to America'' he said his words as if they were normal and simple.

''When is the ball event?''

''Next Tuesday'' he answered.

''I am not attending or doing anything until and unless you tell me who you are,'' I mumbled, sounding curious.

''See Isabella, I don't have much patience; don't test my anger; you won't like it.'' The way he pronounced my name sent shivers down my spine, but no.

''Or else?'' I am planning my funeral from now on, and he gave me a look as if he had warned me not to.

''You will-'' he was cut off by the pilot, who announced that we would be landing in a few minutes, so we should sit in our seats and fasten our seat belts.

He stood up, got near me, and bent. He took the seat belt from both of my sides.

His face was too close to my face. I held my breath, and I don't know why, as he looked at my lips and then my eyes.

''You're saved'' he said while fastening my seatbelt, then went to his place and fastened the seatbelt and sat in his place, then smirked, This man is crazy. I love crazy.

We landed, and we unfastened the seatbelt. Then he made his way to the end of the plane, near the exit, and then the pilot and the girl wearing purple greeted him.

Before exiting the plane, he made me stand in front of him. The door then opened, and the beauty of Italy's fresh air was that it wasn't hot; it was warm, with an amazing blue sky with white clouds fitting perfectly with the sky.

We got up and stepped outside the plane. I saw a black SUV car; it was a black Range Rover.

One man was standing in a black suit with a white shirt underneath.

He looked in his mid-30s, and he had a clean-shaved face with light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Honestly, Noah's eyes are prettier.

What the actual hell? Did I just compliment my kidnapper's eyes?

My foot touched the land, and the same goes for Noah.

''Welcome Don'' I was greeted as he opened the back doors for Noah and me. Noah nodded his head as we entered. Of course, Noah entered before me; he is not a gentleman.

Ladies first.

The driver went into the driver's seat, left the airport, and headed outside.

''Should I go to the mansion or company, sir?'' the driver asks, and I can clearly identify that English is not his first language.

''Per fare colazione, ormai deve aver avuto fame'' He mumbled something in another language, which I believe is Italian, and I didn't really care; all I cared about was the beautiful scenery from outside the window.

{To eat breakfast, she must have been hungry by now.}


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