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We had a lot of explaining to do when we woke up the next day.

My mom was worried and came to look for me first thing in the morning and found us together.

The good thing was, we never actually did anything so we looked decent enough i guess and our conscience is clear but the problem was how to make them understand that fact.

I'm sure this isn't anything new and I'm sure they had already expected it but it never gets easier having the talk with your parents.

It's funny how me saying that nothing happened made it sound like something did lol I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.
I just wanted to give up trying.

I prompted Sam to take over and thankfully she did.
She told my parents the series of events that led to our awkward situation albeit very awkwardly but she managed to push through it.
She didn't really explain everything and just said that we talked and that we were ok and that she asked if she could sleep with me that night and surprisingly, they took that way too lightly.

(Although, I wanted her to explain it more. Just saying she asked me to sleep with her was super vague. I was all red when I heard it and I couldn't really look at my parents straight.
I wanted to explain too but I didn't want to add more blunder to our ever growing awkward situation so I just swallowed the thought back and kept silent waiting fot them to finish the conversation)

Mom: So u and Mon are back together is that right?

(Sam then looked at me as if expecting me to answer that for her. I mean why me? I thought u were taking charge Sam so I nudged her to force her to respond)

S: If Mon accepts me then we are

M: what? How could u even ask that after what happened last night?

(After I said that, I immediately regretted it because that sounded so wrong on so many levels! I was immediately panicking and was heating up not knowing what to do to fix this and the person I was expecting to help me. The person who I wanted to stay on my side, was doing nothing but laugh at me and then really pissed me off!
How dare u laugh at me?!
I then stomped on her feet and that made her stop! She then nursed her foot and looked at me sadly)

M: you deserved it!
How could u laugh at me?
Explain to my parents!

S: Mon, I was never good at explaining things

M: you did well awhile ago! Even if you're bad at it, u better start being good at it now then!

(I then turned my back on her and started pouting still upset of the embarrassment that I have clearly made by myself.
I know I was taking it out on her but she was partly responsible too so she had to fix it somehow!)

(When she saw me fretting, she got serious and started to talk to my mom)

S: I love Mon and there is nothing wrong with having sex. We are both adults and this isn't the first time either

(When I heard her say that I immediately jumped and covered her mouth! Ughhh u just made it worse!!! Why did u have to start with that? I was drilling holes at Sam's face with embarrassment and rage!

And she had the gall to ask me what she did wrong. Ughh!!! Sam what do I do with you?!)

(The situation was no longer salvageable! The more we talked, the worse it became so I just decided to let it go!
It's ok Mon. It's ok. Your conscience is clear nothing happened. Just let the situation go. You're an adult! This is normal!

What? What do u mean normal?
Nothing happened Mon? Why are u resigning to it like something happened?! Ughhhh!! You have gone crazy!)

My mom and my dad were amused and that made me all the more embarrassed!

Why are u amused at my embarrassment! You're supposed to be on my side too!!

I glared at Sam more! This was your fault!
I'm not sleeping with u again hmph!!!

Dad: as Sam has said, no need to feel embarrassed Mon. You lived together for almost 3 years. We would have been more surprised if nothing happpened.

I didn't want to doubt my daughters charms

M: Daaaaaaad!

S: Mon is always full of charms sir! i couldn't get enough of her

(I had to cover her mouth again because she is just hopeless!

I guess she wasn't lying when she said she wasn't good at explaining! But Sam you overestimated yourself! This is beyond what not good could be! You clearly suck at this!


I then locked myself in my room and avoided all of them for the rest of the day!

I only got out when I had successfully calmed down and when I got out I saw Sam sitting outside my door pouting and that made me guilty

S: I was waiting for you Mon. My back hurts
M: tsk! Who told u to sit outside of my room? You could have rested too u know
S: but I wanted for you to be able to see me first when u calmed down then u'd feel sorry for me and hug me right?
M: oh-ho! So u planned this?
S: yup! I'm tired, I want a hug

(She then opened her arms wide and waited for me to hug her and as if I ever had a chance to say no, so in the end she still won)


After we had gone past the embarrassing ordeal, we started to settle down and things went back to normal.

Our date in Harvard was finally happening today and I was so excited because this was our first date as a couple.

I know this is far from being Sam's first date with me but for me I wanted it to be special.

I wanted to remember this day forever. The day I finally got Sam back :)

Sam and I held hands in public and that scared me at first because I was afraid that people might stare and judge us, but surprisingly, no one really cared.

We got a few curious glances because after all, we were 2 thai girls in a foreign country but nothing more than that

Sam assured me that America has a more understanding culture and that here our relationship will be easily accepted.

That made me smile :)
So this is what it felt like to be free...
I was slowly getting addicted to the feeling!
I wish it would always stay like this.

Life should be simple right?
U just have to love and hope to be loved back.

U have to find your own happiness!

I guess I was just lucky Sam and I found each other.

Now all we have to do is fight to stay happy together


Hi Loves,

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Do u find Sam cute? Hahaha

If u were would u leave Sam to explain again? Coz i know I won't hahaha

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