"This is a magazine, not a comic. But that's good." I said as I close the magazine.

I look at the middle block. "It's really pretty and clean compare to the other two blocks. But where did you got the idea from?" I ask iron.

"Well, ever since I got nothing better to do. I decided to customize my room. Because you see... At homeworld, us irons are trained to shatter gems ever since we were made. Throughout my life, I was always surrounded by weapons, shattering, armor, and many more that involves fighting. I always know how to fight and nothing else. So I decided that my design will be the opposite of that..." Iron answered while her head is down.

I felt sad for her and grab her arm. Iron looks up to me. "I'm glad you change, you change for the better. And that is why I love you."

I said as I slowly leaned on iron.

(End of P.O.V)

s y/n and iron about to kiss, a bunch of boxes rumble on the left corner of the room.

"Nyahh!! This stupid wires" Peridot then looks at y/n and iron who's close with each other. y/n and iron looks at peridot blushing together, obviously embarrassed by the sudden moment.

Peridot sighs, "is this a bad moment for me to intervene? Do you two need a private area to do intimate with each other" peridot asks, rubbing her gem. y/n and iron then slowly moves away from each other.

"Sorry for bothering you peridot." Iron tells peridot. "I should have taught of you finding us like this." Iron said rubbing her neck.

Peridot took a deep breath. "It's quite alright but please do it when you two are alone." Peridot tells to y/n and iron.

"So peridot, what have you been doing for the last couple of days? I didn't see you that much." y/n asks with a curious look at peridot.

"Well y/n... If you must know, I have been analyzing the experiment that we did a few days ago." Peridot explains. "You know, the experiment that got you crush in a boulder?" Peridot asks at y/n and y/n just chukle a little.

"Yeah, I remember the test peridot." y/n replies to peridot. "But why are the results taking so long?" y/n asks peridot.

"Well y/n... If you must know," Peridot says as she slides her folder and reveals a mini laboratory.

"Earth is a primitive planet compare to homeworld. So, I had to scramble the best archaic technology in this area to make a laboratory on my own."  Peridot explains

"And the best technologies I found are so outdated and slow, I am having a hard time to make a result out of it." Peridot explains furthermore.

Iron and y/n entered peridot's little laboratory. The laboratory is full of computers, papers and books.

"Woah" I said to peridot. "This is really cool peridot." y/n said to peridot, smiling.

"Indeed. I never thought you could do this peri." Iron compliments peridot and peridot smiles.

"Thank you." Peridot says. "It's not easy assembling this little laboratory, you know. But let's get to the results that I found."

Peridot opens a file and it opens a 3d figure of a human male body.

"The results that I confirmed are your strength, speed, and durability." Peridot said.

"According to the experiment we conducted, y/n with his yashiko powers can be classified as a being who is-" Peridot stoped before pressing another button.

"Slightly stronger than an amethyst soldier" The computer shows the moment when y/n lifts an entire boulder.

"Slightly faster than a pearl" The computer then shows y/n beating pearl in a race.

"And can survive a falling boulder" peridot then shows a boulder, falling on top of y/n.

"With this results. We can hypothesize that y/n has a bit more strength and speed compared to an amethyst  soldier's strength and a pearl's speed and his durability is slightly inferior to an amethyst soldier." Peridot explained as y/n and iron listen.

"Dang, that's all? Man, I wish I could have been more powerful." I exaggerated and peridot rolled her eyes and iron chuckles.

"Come on y/n, it's not that bad." iron replied jokingly. "For a human" Iron said as she smirk at y/n.

"Whatever." y/n said.

y/n and iron exit the laboratory.

"So y/n, what do you wanna do today?" Iron asks

"Let's go on a date iron." y/n gives a lovely smile to iron. "To celebrate our anniversary." y/n tells iron and iron hugs him.

"Let's go honey." Iron tells y/n. "Do you wanna come peridot?" iron shouts at peridot. "No thanks but happy anniversary to you two by the way!!" peridot shouted back.

"Dang that sucks." y/n says. "Let's go y/n." Iron tells y/n and the two head out.


The scene opens where lapis poofing a corrupted gem by using her hydrokinesis to destroy the gem monster. She uses her powers to make a large, waterlike spinning needle that punctures the gem monster and thus, popping it.

"Now... To look for that ship." Lapis said to herself.

Then, three mysterious figures landed on lapis, surrounding her.

"Lapis... We need your help." The figure says to lapis.

"Help you?! Why would I help someone who can't even show their face to me!?" Lapis yells at the mysterious figure. "Tell me who you are! Or else..." Lapis said as she readies her hydrokinesis.

The figure sighs and move forward to the light. Lapis's eyes widen in revelation.

"We need you to help us track the shadow assassin" The figure said, which is garnet.

"And in exchange, we'll help you find what happened to your friend, luna..."
Lapis is shock to hear this offer by garnet. The two other figures shoa their face and it is amethyst and pearl. Lapis thinks on what shall she do next.

The shadow assassin (steven universe reader-insert)Where stories live. Discover now