She saw her parents first before she felt Draco squeeze her hand. She turned to him and began to cry slightly, "Draco?"

"It's me, baby," He smiled at her as he kissed her hand. He held her hand against his face, showing her that he was there.

Her fingers stroked his face slightly as a breath left her, "Did we win?"

Her father answered her, "You got really hurt, 'Mione. We were worried we'd lost you."

"Where are we?" She asked softly.

"Hogwarts," Her mother smiled at her, taking hold of her other hand. "We finally see your school only to find you nearly dead."

Draco let out a grim chuckle, "You ran Dolohov through his heart when he cursed you."

"We'll go find Madam Pomfry," Her mother said as her father kissed her head. "We'll give you a bit alone."

After they left, Draco filled Hermione in on what happened after she fell to the curse.

"I want to ask you something," He told her shyly.

She smiled at him, "Then just ask."

He lifted the ring box. He opened it to reveal the golden band that housed a large, dark blue diamond. "This ring was given to my great-grandmother by Grandfather Arcturus. I'd like to make you my wife with this ring," He told her.

Her breath was caught in her throat, her eyes leaked with more tears. She pulled him down into a slow and loving kiss. She whispered against his lips, "Yes."

They were pulled from their moment by Madam Pomfry checking on Hermione and fussing over her.


Blaise and Neville had also guaranteed that Susan and Luna would be their wives. They had already signed Betrothal Contracts and House Alliances respectively.

It was decided that the sixth and seventh years would repeat the year. Harry and Daphne would technically be doing so as well, but they were going to start their apprenticeships with Filius and Minerva.

They would spend the next five years working alongside both professors, doing two masteries each. Daphne wanted to do a Potions mastery but that was left for later in life. Harry had broached the subject of a Defense mastery with Rosie, Moody, and Kingsley. Moody called him a 'ruddy bastard of a little shite' and told him he had it already.

Kingsley went on to explain that Harry, Daphne, Draco, Hermione, Blaise, Susan, Neville, Luna, Seamus, Ginny, Astoria, Flora, and Hestia were all getting Order of Merlin, First Classes. They had been the ones preparing for the battle, had organized safety protocols and evacuation plans for Hogwarts, and had been the ones to personally deal with Voldemort and his Inner Circle. If anyone deserved the medals, it was them.

Harry suggested rewarding Jean Delacour and Viktor Krum for their efforts and organizing aid from their respective countries.

The award ceremony was to take place sometime within the next year, they had not set a specific time yet. They were still focusing on the clean-up of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. The settlement was in shambles. The three governments were also prosecuting the many Death Eaters from their countries.

The funerals for those that were lost would take place in late August. It would be a gathering of all that died with a few speeches before they would be taken for private burials.


Harry could only sigh lightly as he entered Potter Manor. He was taking his cloak off when the babble of his daughter and the tinkling laughter of his mate reached him.

His large extended family had gathered while he was in Meath. He was giving a routine check on the colony of Welsh Greens.

As he walked into his sitting room, he was surprised to find two new portraits hanging on the wall. One was of Arcturus, the other of a man he only recognized from pictures.

Uncle Jamie Evans was smiling at him over Minerva's shoulder. They looked very much alike. Jamie even had a scar in the same place as Harry, although it was a burn mark.

"You know," Blaise said suddenly. "It's like looking at an older Harry."

Jamie was joined by the figures of his children in his portrait, and Arcturus was standing with his late wife.

"Draco, did you do as I told you?" Arcturus looked at his grandson hard.

Draco and Hermione smiled as she lifted her hand, showing the ring on her finger, "He asked me as soon as I woke up."

Melania gasped lightly within the frame. She looked at Hermione before turning to her husband. "You were always closest with Cissy so I had her give it to her son," He reasoned.

"For forty years of our marriage you claimed to be a heartless bastard," She shook her head at him.

Charlus and Dorea entered the frame. Harry's grandmother sighed, "Please don't get him started, Mella."

"When did this all happen?" Harry asked, announcing his entry into the room.

"It happened today," Daphne smiled at him as she handed him Kairos Iolanthe. She kissed him on the cheek, "To your first year without Riddle. Happy birthday, Très cher."

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