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G I A V A N N A          A M A T O

"Does the door magically open...or are we going to carry on standing out here like lost children?"

Zwilling, from beside me, glanced at me with a strong look. He rolled his eyes as far as his ass can go, and his untamed, bushy eyebrows scrunched together to create even more wrinkles painted across his skin. Added on with his lips curving downwards and the pulse in his jaw beating more efficiently.

"I'm being serious," I put in, after receiving no helpful answer.

He looks away from me, shrugging his shoulders.

My eyes widen at the man's stupidity, "You don't even know what's going on?"

He was solemn and a statue.

"God, your attitude has changed. What happened to the mysterious Zwilling?" I spoke, attempting to lift his mood and to distinguish a conversation between us both. But that never occurred as he pulls his hand out of his pocket, waved it through the air, and pushed at a harsh stop. Then simply spat a few words out at me."We have to wait for Mr Auclair."

Mr Auclair, my ass.

"As I said before," I glare over at him, then I stepped closer to the doors, "I'm not here to have a tea party with Thomas fucking Auclair."

But before I could take a second to breathe, a clammy, tight grip attaches to my wrist, effortlessly pulling my body backwards. My back was arched back, in such an uncomfortable position, and my ear felt a wet, rough touch skimming my skin.

"You dare make an embarrassment of yourself and me." his voice was a dark, threatening tone, almost like spitting toxin out at me, "And I won't give a second thought to help you when you're on the floor begging for mercy, because your mouth can't keep a lock on it."

His skin detaches from mine, as he yanks me to his side, yet, I could still feel the gross ring of moisture left over from his sweaty hand. I rubbed my left hand over it, looking down to see the spiral of nail marks he had resigned from.

"Trust me. I won't be the one begging for mercy."

The next thing I knew, my fingers balled up in a fist and were hitting furiously against the doors.

"Giavanna!" his voice rises and forms a hiss at me, and then I began to feel his hands plastering over my body. "Stop it!" he carried on yelling threats at me until the entrance yielded ajar. That's when he was silenced and his contact with my skin vanished. But I still felt it like a ghost of him remained.

Nevertheless, that wasn't was I was supposed to be focused upon. The man holding the doorknob was the focus point.

We caught regards. Yet he never spoke a word.

"Took you long enough." my lips straighten.

His gloaming green eyes dimmed through mine, scorching the place he caught upon. Not moving.

I could feel Zwilling's stare beside me burn my cheek too.

"It's Giavanna." I cut the clear piece of tension in the air with my hand holding out in front, waiting for it to be accompanied by Thomas'. "Pleasure to see you, but I'm here-"

My words got scraped out by his voice overlapping mine, "I know why you are here. I asked you to be here."

My eyes narrowed deeper inside his, "Right then, so what are we waiting for?"

He quivered his eyelids over to Zwilling, forcing out a small smile and a nod, then, disappeared in the darkness of the hauls to where I followed after.

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