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G I A V A N N A       A M A T O

As we go into the venue, we gave our names to the receptionist, and went through the the main haul.

It was so glamourous. It looked like a movie scene.

I stood at the top of the stairs admiring it all.

The ceiling had arches in it, the tiles on the floor were so sheek. The lighting was low, so it made a tone throughout the building. Chairs and tables were set out, with vases of flowers on, cutlery, and napkins. And then, in the middle there was space for the dance floor. Get me on that!

Everyone was talking amongst themselves. Women in pretty dresses . Men in suits. Everyone in masks.

I don't know how long I've been standing there examining the room, but then Sebastien clutches onto my waist and pulls me towards a table.

"This is no time for taking it all in, this is purely business."

"Right." I whisper, rolling my eyes.

We both sit down in silence.

To be honest, I had no clue what he meant by 'business'. What Mafia leader comes to a shitty ball for business? Or is my man a shitty Mafia leader?

A waiter came round with a tray full of champagne. This is getting better.

I reach for a glass, but of course, Sebastien stops me, as he forcefully pulls my arm down.

"None for us." He simply says, and the waiter shuffles away.

"What? Can't I just have one?" I try doing puppy eyes but it failed.

"No. I don't want you to get drinking again." He kisses my cheek, and stands up.

It's so hard to be mad at him, when he is that hot.

He offers his hand - I take it - and I stand up too.

Having no idea where we are going, he leads me to the area where everyone is slow dancing with their partners.

The centre of the haul.

I smile. He smiles back.

He puts his arm around my waist, his fingertips on my hip. I place both of my arms around his neck. We begin to slowly step to the music.

It felt unreal.

His fingertips on my hips, created my stomach to turn in excitement. Electricity flew through my body.

It's like I was dancing with Prince Charming. He was my Prince Charming.

He swayed me to the music. I swayed into his eyes.

His Hazel eyes.

I dreamt in them. I wanted to stare in them forever. His eyes suddenly connected with mine. My heart started pumping faster.

His lips curved upwards and we flashed a kiss infront of everyone.

We kissed. But this time, we are a couple.

I didn't care who saw. It felt needed.
After all these hours of him training me, looking after me and helping me, I needed this.

We needed this.

He lifted me up in the air, twirled me round, and I laughed into it.

I felt like all my fears were gone around him.

He made me happy. He was the one who made me forget about the drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Its him.

He put me down. And we trotted over to the tables, hand in hand.

"Didn't know you could dance." I tease.

"Had a few lessons when I was younger." He smirks.

"Right." I say, as we sat down again, but this time there was food infront of us.

My stomach growled but my mouth gagged.

There was a plate of snails before us. Or as Sebastien would refer to them as escargots.

"No, no."

"Come on, try it, you may like it." He says, pushing the plate closer to me.

I'm not going to eat some smoggy, slimey animal. Hell no. This has been in dirt.

"For me. Its my French Culture." He adds.

I sighed, and picked up one of the portions. It wouldn't hurt me. Right?

I could feel Sebastiens glare burning into me, and I could hear him chuckling too.

I'll get him after this. I'll make sure of it.

I counted in my head 3, 2, 1, go.

It didn't spend anytime in my mouth, because I soon spat it out, gagging in my hands.

"Fuck, wheres the bathroom?" I say.

"Behind us." He replies, and I run straight to it.

I slam open the doors, find a cubicle, and I hover over it.

All my food that I ate earlier, mixed with the alcohol, came straight up and down the toilet.


I cleaned my mouth off with the toilet paper and went out of the cubicle.

I hope no one heard me.

Luckily, there was no one else in the bathroom, I washed my hands, took my mask off and sorted out my makeup.

I felt a strong presence behind me. I looked up and saw a large, bulky man.

"Giavanna Amato." A strong Italian voice says behind me.

Fuck, an Italian is here?

I look forward in the mirror, and see a man standing there.

"This is the ladies room." I point to the door.

Wait a second. How the fuck does he know my name.

He looks to where I point, but doesn't respond.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He ignores my question, "You need to come back to Italy."

"What? How do yo-"

"No questions."

"Ehm. Yes. Questions. You can't just walk in here and tell me what to do." I respond, and I am now facing him, but he is miles taller, so I look dumb.

"Are you like my long lost brother?" I ask, trying to get a response.

His face is blank. I can't read him. Stupid. And the mask is covering his face.

"Your coming with me whether you like it or not."

"No I am not."

He huffs.

I huff back.

I walk to the door. Open it. And look back at him.

"Your not helping yourself by walking away from me, Lucas wont allow you to leave." He says.

Who the fuck is Lucas?

I sigh, and walk out.

This shit just can't get anymore confusing, I walk out of the bathroom to see an empty haul.

Literally, no soul was there. It was abandoned from the thousands of people here, only 5 minutes ago.

Even Sebastien is gone.


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