⌗ 𓂃 𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅chapter 2﹅ ᰷ 𖥔༌ 𓂃⌗

Start from the beginning

"hey, hey, it's just me. it's just finney. i've got gwen with me and we're gonna help," I heard my brother's soothing whisper as gwen's small hand ran over my head.

I sobbed lightly as the two tried to treat my wounds as best a thirteen year old and ten year old could do. I whispered my thanks senselessly as gwen held my head in her lap. my one hand clutched her small hand as her other ran through my hair reassuringly.


getting ready for school the next day was painful. I'd slept in by accident, the pain making me forget to set my alarm. however, gwen had come in just in time to wake me. my ribs screamed in pain as I stretched and I glared at the bruises littering my body through the mirror. I hissed as I stood up and made my way over to my wardrobe limping slightly on my left leg to not put too much pressure on my left side to move so I could walk as straight and painlessly as possible in school.

"you should stay home." I turned to see finney by my door with gwen. finney had spoken, his voice laced with worry.

"ah, good morning to you too, finney," I joked, trying to seem fine but finney gave me a stern look.

"I can ask daddy to call in sick for you?" gwen was always dad's favourite and he'd do a lot of stuff for her if she asked in a particular way.

I pulled my clothes out of my wardrobe and closed the doors as I shook my head.

"no, thank you. but I'm sure i'll be fine," I replied with a forced smile. I had to seem strong for the kids. the kids nodded solemnly, not believing me and walked off, closing my door behind them.

I pulled on a deep brown laced cami and tucked it into my flared jeans and paired it with a big, maroon corduroy jacket that came to my mid thigh.

I made my way to the bathroom and inspected my black eye. I washed my face with cold water to try and prepare myself for the day ahead. I then grabbed my concealer and got to work. I did the rest of my makeup and after I patted in the last of the powder under my eye, I moved back to inspect. there was only light bruising visible under my eye, I could get away with saying I dropped my book on my face. I brushed my teeth and made my way to the kitchen.

gwen, finney and dad were all seated at the table, dad reading the newspaper with a coffee and the two kids just sitting silently.

"hey, kids, i'll make your breakfast now," I said.

monday was always nutella day. it started after mom died, every morning I'd make something nutella-y for breakfast so I could actually get them out of bed, but I soon shortened it to just monday's. gwen liked a dollop on the edge of her plate so she could dip her bread in while finney preferred toast with the nutella spread on top. as I noticed there was going to be no nutella left for me, I scraped the edges of the tub to get as much as I could put for gwen's breakfast before writing 'more nutella' down on my shopping list for tonight. I pulled two oranges from the fruit bowl and brought the plates over to the kids. for myself, I made toast with *insert topping, idk what y'all like*.

"your eye looks better." dad said almost nervously.

"I put some concealer over it." I replied quietly.

"how come you have a black eye?" dad asked sternly. I understood what he was asking me.

"I dropped my book on my face." I recited. dad hummed in approval.

ANGEL ~ vance hopper x reader ~Where stories live. Discover now