35 - Lin Yeona

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With both of our breathing steady once more and our eyes no longer leaking, Jisung and I walk back into the practise room. Seven pairs of worried eyes landing on us, widening when they see the redness in our eyes. "I'm okay," I start, breaking the silence, "we're okay."

Sighs of relief sound around the room. "Thank goodness," Chan mutters softly, a smile spreading on his face.

Settling back in my spot against the mirror I face Jisung. "You guys are kpop idols." Even though it's a statement it almost comes out like a question.

"Yep," he says, popping the p, "surprise?" Sending me a sheepish smile he gives me a thumbs up.

Rolling my eyes at him I sigh in disbelieve. This new reality still being hard to progress. "So, what's your group called?"

"Stray Kids."

I burst out in laughter at the name. "Right, kids. Sounds about right."

"Yah!" Changbin shouts from the other side of the room, followed by Seungmin stating that I'm just as bad, which I of course can't deny.

Opening my phone I type 'Stray Kids' into the search bar. Pictures of the guys in front of me popping up instantly. Group-photos where they're all laughing and some where they all look incredibly handsome. Some where their hair is completely different and some clearly from years ago, causing me to ask the next question: "How long have you guys been... Stray Kids?" The name of the group sounding foreign on my tongue.

"We debuted in 2018," Chan explains.

"2018?" My eyes widen at his words. "You guys have been a group for that long already?" Blinking slowly I continue scrolling through my phone, finding information about their group. Feeling the eight pairs of eyes still locked on me, I quickly utter: ""Go on, continue your dance-practise, don't mind me. I'll just be over here having an existential crisis." Chuckles echo through the room in response to my words. "Why can't I have normal friends!" I groan as I lean my head backwards against the mirror.

"Don't you have Hyeon-," Jisung starts.

"He does not fit that description," I quickly interject, proving his claim to be false.

"Right, my bad."

"At least we're not boring?" Hyunjin states sheepishly, a sly smile playing on his face.

That I cannot deny. Looking back down at my phone I tap one link after the other, opening sites, reading them and closing them again. While I slowly learn more about the guys in front of me, Lee Know puts on the same song as before while they get in position to continue practising. It takes a lot of focus to keep my eyes on my phone and not on them.

After the fifth time of catching myself watching them instead of my phone I give up, abandoning my phone on the ground beside me, giving them my full attention as they practise the song. Redoing certain parts and pointing out mistakes to each other.

"So what is the song called?" I ask, when the music pauses again, the question having been lingering in my mind ever since I learned they are the ones singing it.

Jisung's smile brightens at my interest. "Thunderous," he says with a proud smile, his eyes sparkling.

Typing the name into the search bar on YouTube the music video pops up. As I'm rummaging through my pockets – in search of my earphones to watch and listen to the video without disturbing the guys – I jokingly ask them: "You're not hiding anything else, right? None of you secretly being a serial killer or anything?"

Chuckles follow my words while all of them shake their heads. Well, all of them accept Lee Know.


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