31 - Bang Chan

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Relaxed, that's the word I would use to describe the atmosphere at the moment. Everyone's face is calm, soft smiles playing on their faces as well as golden sparks dancing in their eyes now that the sunlight reflects in them, golden hour having arrived while we lost track of time while playing games.

Yeona just explained us the next game before leaving to get the booze, as she called it. We're supposed to, one by one, make a statement about something you could have done, and who ever has done it, has to take a shot. So of course, we're all going to get drunk soon, making everyone excited as the last time we went out drinking together was a lot of fun. Now that we're all inside, in Yeona's house and not in a public space, me and Lee Know aren't going to stay sober, wanting to let go as well. I can only hope no stupid mistakes will be made, although that's a part of life as well.

"Okay, I'll go first," Hyeon starts, "Drink if you've ever been drunk, like actually wasted and not remembering everything."

His words are closely followed by Seungmin's: "Haven't we all?"

"I hope so, gotta get us all to get some alcohol in first, we need to lose up a bit," Yeona's friend shoots back, resulting in chuckles and shaking heads before we all take a shot, each one of us having been so drunk that we've blacked out.
Usually I'm the one informing them of what they did the night before, and having seen them all completely wasted I've plenty of fun moment's that I'll never make them forget. A soft smile playing on my face at the thought.

"Drink if you've ever had a crush!" Yeona says, raising her glass for us to follow, already knowing each one of us has had one. Downing another shot I feel the liquid burning down my throat. She obviously chose something with a high alcohol percentage, meaning some of us won't need many more shot's before feeling the effects.

"Take a shot if you've ever pulled an all-nighter," Lee know says, before turning to me and smirking, "and take two shots if the last one was this month."

Rolling my eyes at him I reluctantly down a shot, before filling the glass again and taking another. His not so hidden scolding makes me chuckle slightly, knowing how he and the guys get when I pull to many all-nighters, getting stuck while producing music, losing track of time as lyrics are written and notes are played.

I notice Yeona, Felix and Hyeon taking too shots as well, while the rest just take one. Confused my eyes lock with Felix, the younger sheepishly smiling at me, already knowing what my reaction would be. 'Gaming,' he mouths at me causing me to sigh. Maybe I should start doing a lap around the dorm when it's getting late, to make sure everyone's getting to bed? Although I doubt I could convince anyone of them to sleep when they know I'll go straight back to work once they're asleep.

Pushing my thoughts away I glance over at Jeongin, who's next. "Okay, drink if you've," he starts, halting as he thinks of what to say. "If you've ever watched the same movie five times or more."

Yeona eagerly downs her shot, the girl now already being five shots in, and the alcohol is clearly taking effect. "Disney!" She shouts before giggling softly.

Felix and Hyeon also took a shot, the latter of the two groaning as he does so. "It's her fault," he says, pointing at Yeona who's looking at him with a smug grin. "She made me watch the same movie over and over again." As if he could see the guys' thoughts he quickly adds: "Trust me, I tried to leave, but you don't know how clingy she can be."

At his words I glance over at Yeona, only to find her laying her head on Lee Know's shoulder, who flicks her forehead in response making her pout before sitting up straight again, an alcoholic daze already dancing in front of her eyes. "I think we'll find out tonight," I state, chuckling softly, to which Hyeon agrees.

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