14 - Hwang Hyunjin

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Last Wednesday Han had introduced his new friend Yeona to Chan, Changbin and Felix. They seemed to have had a great time, since all of them returned with smiles on their faces. The four of us who hadn't met Yeona yet, were of course trying to get them to tell us more about her. Yet they seemed to have agreed on leaving us in the dark. They just kept snickering to each other and avoided all of our questions. The only thing they told us is that she is a sweet girl and that we'll like her. As if that gives us any idea of who she is. Knowing that Felix is the weakest link of the four of them when it comes to secrets, I of course had to try to gain some information from him. 

Felix was just sitting on the couch, chilling and playing a game on his phone, while most of our members where still hanging out around the table, prying for information. I sat down next to him, leaning close and laying my chin on his shoulder, my eyes locking on his phone-screen. Felix just send me a quick smile, before continuing his game. "Can't you tell me something about her? Anything at all?" I softly whined into his ear. 

"I can't. I promised." Felix responded quickly.

"Please? I won't tell anyone." I whispered, making sure not to gain the attention of the others. Felix softly shaked his head and focused on his game again. Having one last idea, before I'd be willing to accept my defeat, I leaned in even closer. "Baby, please." I said softly, while my hand latched onto his chin, softly turning it to face me. Calling Felix baby is something I did quite often. It always caused him to smile and get distracted, so maybe this distraction would cause him to tell me more about Yeona. 

Our faces were now only a few inches apart and Felix's game was long forgotten as we stared into each other's eyes. Since Felix didn't respond I reminded him of what I wanted to know, whispering softly: "Yeona?" 

Felix quickly shaked his head and turned away from me, my hand already having left his chin. "I'm keeping my promise, sorry Hyunjin." 

"It was worth a shot." I said as I flopped backwards onto the couch, sighing in defeat. 

The last three days we've kept bugging the guys, but they kept their lips sealed. Because of this the tension is higher then ever. Today the rest of us will finally meet Yeona and I can't say that I'm not nervous. Han left about twenty minutes ago to pick up Yeona, since she of course doesn't know where we live. He could have just send her the address, but being the gentlemen he is, he insisted on picking her up. 

Chan and Felix came with the idea of buying sushi for all of us to enjoy. This way we didn't have to cook and can just enjoy the food together. Sushi is one of those foods that you eat slowly, talking in between each bite. A great food to eat with people you want to know better. The food is all stalled out onto the table, nine plates around it. A few pieces of sushi already missing, since according to Felix 'someone had to check if they are tasty'.

Han and Yeona should arrive any minute now. I'm clearly not the only one who realises this, since some of the others seem to get restless as well. "They're coming!" Felix suddenly shouts. He has been sitting by the window for the last ten minutes, staring outside, waiting for Yeona and Han to arrive. I quickly walk towards him, followed closely by Seungmin, only to be stopped by Chan and Felix. "What do you think you're doing?" Felix says, pushing me and Seungmin back. 

"Taking a look at the girl you guys have been talking about." I respond, not quite getting why they're stopping us. 

"Yeah, that's not happening. You'll see her in a minute. Just wait a little longer." Chan says, while turning us away from the window and towards the front door. 

I sigh, not in the mood to argue I lock my eyes on the front door. Lee Know is standing next to it, receiving questioning glances from me and a few others. Laying his finger on his lips he signs for us to be silent. Is he seriously- Oh my gosh, this poor girl. Well she'll definitely know what she is getting herself into. I shake my head softly before focusing back on the front door. 

The sound of a key turning in the lock catches my attention. They're are here. The door opens and Han walks in, his figure hiding Yeona from my view. 

"SURPRISE!" Lee Know shouts while jumping out from behind the now open front door. Han and Yeona both yelp from shock. Yeona even stumbles backwards, her back hitting the wall. I instantly notice her dark brown, almost black, locks, that fall till just below her shoulders, hiding her face. 

"Lee Know! Seriously!" Han scolds his hyung as if he's younger then him, receiving a shocked look from Lee Know. A soft giggle catches my attention. I notice how Yeona's shoulders are shaking softly from laughing. 

"Yeona, Lee Know. Lee Know, Yeona." Han says, pointing from one to the other, introducing them to each other. Lee Know gives the girl a nod before walking into the living room, followed closely by Han. Behind them, Yeona finally steps into view. I can't help but take a deep breath in the second her icy-blue eyes lock on my dark brown ones. The contrast between her hair and her eyes keeps me captivated. The darkness surrounding her face and the light, bright orbs in the middle. A soft blush is visible on her face, most likely due to the temperature change from outside to inside. The girl is smiling softly, her eyes scanning every one in the room as well as the room itself. 

A slap on my shoulder pulls me out of my daze, showing me that Yeona's eyes are locked on mine once more. "This is Hyunjin. He can be quite a drama-queen, but you'll get used to it." Han says. Seriously? That's the introduction I get? The girl snickers softly, smiling at me before her eyes move onto the next person as Han introduces him. Could he not have thought of anything better to introduce me? He could have just left the second sentence out of my introduction, that would have been fine too. 

I don't really pay attention to the introduction of the other guys, my gaze slowly returning to the only girl in our mids. Yeona is wearing a white shirt that is tucked into her black, high-waist-jeans. Over her shirt she's wearing a soft-looking, fluffy, black jacket. My eyes slowly lower down her outfit, halting when I see her socks. She is wearing two different socks. They seem to be an actual pair, yet they're not the exact same. Both have neon shapes on them, only her left foot is covered in circles, while her right foot is covered in stars. I can't help but smile at her, my eyes lingering on her colorful socks a bit longer, before returning to her stunning face. 

Apparently the introductions are over, since everyone is moving towards the table, taking a seat in no particular order. I quickly follow along, not wanting anyone to notice that I've been staring at Yeona. "It looks delicious!" My head snaps towards Yeona again. These are the first words I've heard her say. Her voice is soft, not soft as in a low volume, but soft as in using no harsh syllables. Her voice is soothing, calming my mind in a instant. I would be lying if I'd say it didn't freak me out a bit. It's weird for someone to have this big of an effect on me, especially since I don't even know her yet. 

"It is! I've tasted it already." Felix says, sitting down next to the girl. 

"You were supposed to wait." Chan scolds the boy. 

Felix just shrugs. "Someone had to make sure we'd serve her some good food." He picks a piece of sushi up with his chopsticks and holds it in front of Yeona's face. "Here ya go."

Yeona smiles brightly before eating the sushi Felix is handing her, humming in delight as her eyes widen. "This is weally goowd!" Yeona says, hiding her mouth full of food behind her hand while speaking. As if this is the que, all of us try a piece of our own. Slowly chatter starts to fill the room, the tension from having a new person in our mids, disappearing quickly. 

All of us are enjoying our meal, getting to know the girl better. I start to understand why Han instantly clicked with her. Yeona radiates some kind of happiness, raising everyone's moods. The air around her seems to be lighter, making it hard to not feel at ease around her. I can guarantee that none of us have any worries in our mind since the moment she walked into our home. The feeling of someone looking at me pulls me out of my thoughts, the sushi I was about to eat, stopping in mid air in front of my mouth. I glance around until I notice a pair of blue eyes looking at me. The second my eyes meet hers, she sends me a tight-lipped smiled, before lowering her eyes, towards the food on the table. A smile spreads onto my lips at the realisation that she was looking at me, while having no real reason for it, since I didn't do anything that could have caught her attention. My eyes are still locked on her when she glances towards me again, only to quickly look away, starting a conversation with Felix, while her ears turn a soft shade of red. Did I cause that? Do I have as much as an effect on her, as she does on me? I smirk softly, before finally eating the piece of sushi that I've been holding while looking at her. 

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