32 - Han Jisung

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A pounding in my head, too bright light shining in my eyes. Too much heat making me shuffle my feet out from under the covers. An annoying bulge below my pillow. Groaning softly I slowly blink my eyes open – trying to get them used to the light – while moving my hand under my pillow to push away whatever is ruining my comfort, only for my fingers to find another hand. Confused as to why there is a hand under my pillow, I turn around.

My eyes falling on him, cause the tiredness that kept shutting them to disappear within seconds. Lee Know's face, so close to mine, making my eyes widen. His mouth curved in a soft smile, no tension in his face. Laying my head down on my pillow again, I let my eyes trail over his face. The closeness of our faces allowing me to see every single detail, each of his features beautiful in the morning light. Pushing my hand below my pillow, I gently intertwine my fingers with his, the warmth of his hand seeping into mine. I take in the beauty of his lashes as they lay against his cheeks, beautifully long, never in need of the mascara the make-up-noona's often put on them. A soft blush makes it's way up my cheeks at his breath fanning across my lips. The way it makes my heart jump, causes me to scoot backwards ever so slightly, knowing I won't survive this closeness for much longer then this measly minute.

"Ah, you're awake, good." Chan's voice suddenly breaks the silence, making me jump backwards. Pulling my hand out of the warm embrace it was in, embarrassed by the comfort it gave me, not quite knowing why. "We gotta talk," Chan continues, pushing off from his spot and walking towards the kitchen. Even though he is whispering, his words sound too loud to my still tired ears. Rubbing my eyes I yawn before pushing my blanket off to follow Chan to the kitchen.

My eyes falling on Yeona makes me freeze in my spot. A soft 'awh' escaping my mouth. "Chan, look at them," I whisper softly, while keeping my eyes on Yeona and Hyeon. The two, both still deep asleep, are cuddling together. Yeona literally laying on top of Hyeon's chest with their legs intertwined. One of Hyeon's arms wrapped around Yeona's upper body, keeping her in place. Yeona's arms are wrapped, what appears to be quite tightly, around his waist, holding onto him like a tiny koala would hold its mother. 'Perhaps father in this case? Never mind that makes no sense either' Shaking my sleepy thoughts away my eyes land on Chan, who has walked back towards me, watching them with a soft smile.

"They're adorable," he whispers under his breath.

Making our way to the kitchen, Chan makes sure to close the door behind me so that we can talk without worrying about anyone waking up. "You've been thinking, haven't you?" I ask him, knowing the look on his face all too well. Chan only hums in response. "About what?"


Sitting down on one of the chairs at the island I remain silent, knowing Chan will tell me what he was thinking about without me needing to ask more. The frown on his face showing me he is trying to sort out his thoughts.

"We need to tell her," he blurts out, making me look up at him. "We can't drag this out any longer, it's not okay."

"About the idol thingy?" I quickly interject, making sure we're thinking about the same, before he can go on about why we need to do so.

"Yes, about being idols." Pinching the bridge of his nose, Chan sighs before continuing. "Whatever result it has, we have to do it soon. The longer we drag this out, the more we'll hurt Yeona by not telling her something this big. We're keeping her in the dark about something so big in our lives. It just-, it just doesn't feel right anymore. And I know-," Raising his hand he stops me from interrupting him. "I know I was the one who made sure you didn't tell her. I know I was the one who was careful with her being around, careful she wouldn't hurt any of us, but that has passed a long time ago. I can see she is genuine, we all can."

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