18 - Choi Hyeon

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Lunchbreak has finally arrived. Yeona and I can't shove our belongings into our bags fast enough. While zipping our bags closed, Yeona starts talking about last Saturday, the day she met all of Jisung's friends. She already told me everything in detail, at least I thought she did. "You know you already told me everything right?" I hit her head, not too hard, but definitely not soft either. "Is this thing still working?"

Yeona swats my hand away. "I know what I told you, I'm not dumb-"

I interrupt what she was about to say by looking at her questionably while raising my eyebrows. 

"Shut up," she says before smiling softly. "I may not have told you everything that happened Saturday." Her hand finds its way to her neck while she turns her head away from me. 

I swing my bag over my shoulder. "How dare you." I say, making sure she can clearly hear my disappointment only to follow it with a small snicker. Turning towards Yeona I watch her lift her bag up from her table as well, carrying it as we start walking. "Well, go on. Tell me what happened." 

We both walk out of the classroom as she starts talking: "I may not have told you about a particular interaction between me and one of Jisung's friends... Hyunjin is the friend in question. I did tell you about how we often locked eyes, right? And how he caught my attention the second I walked in?" 

I nod at her; she did indeed tell me those things. Curious to know what happened between them apart from these small moments, I tune out all the voices around us, only focussing on Yeona's. Making sure not to miss a single word. 

"Okay, somewhere during dinner I found this excuse to get away for a second. I needed a quick moment to gather myself." Yeona continues while fumbling with her hands. "So I walked into their kitchen, planning to grab a plate for one of them. They managed to drop it, don't ask me how, I was focussed on something else-"

"Something or someone." I shoot at her, receiving a glare in response. I quickly shut my mouth, a grin remains stuck on my face while Yeona continues. 

"As I was searching for a plate, Hyunjin entered the kitchen. He pointed me towards the right cabinet, but as I was grabbing it, he suddenly stepped behind me. Hovering over me to grab something himself."

"He what?!" I stop walking, completely surprised with the direction her story is taking. 

"Just wait, it gets even better."

Better than this? Does that count as better, isn't it called worse?

"You know those scenes in k-drama's where the main character is leaning against the counter, stuck between the arms of their love interest? Yeah, well we may have had that moment." 

A soft red blush appears on Yeona's cheeks, causing my mouth to fall open. Does she like him? I know she told me he was good looking, but she said that all of the others looked good as well. I look at Yeona curiously, when she doesn't continue. The girl seems to be deep in thought, perhaps reliving their moment? "Yeona?" I say, not receiving any response. A second try has the same result, so I smack her arm hard.

"Hyeon!" Yeona yelps. 

"You were stuck in there." I explain, tapping her forehead a few times. "Are you going to continue? I want more details." I send her a wink. 

Rolling her eyes, she continues: "He told me that I had something in my hair and then moved his fingers through my hair to take it out. He was holding my face with his two hands! One on the back of my neck and the other on the side of my face." 

I notice her dreamy look and soft smile as she tells me about their interaction. This facial expression is one I've never seen before on her, confused I'm about to point it out to her, when she continues. 

Their Golden HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz