9 - Han Jisung

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Knocking on Chan's door softly I wait for a response that doesn't come. I slowly open the door, not wanting to disturb Chan too much. Carefully sticking my head between the door and the frame I can see Chan sitting in his chair, completely engulfed in his laptop. He's wearing a headset which explains why he didn't hear my knocking. I wave at him, trying to get his attention. "Chan?" Still no response. "Chan!" Rolling my eyes at the male in front of me I slam the door close behind me. Chan jumps up, finally paying attention to me. He takes his headset off and turns towards me asking me what I want with his eyes. "We didn't have any plans today right?" 

Chan's expression changes to one of annoyance. "Seriously, you're asking me? We have a schedule and a calendar for that." He turns back to his laptop shaking his head, smiling ever so slightly. 

"I know, I checked those. Just wanted to make sure, but I'll be heading out then." I just wanted to make sure that we didn't have plans with the guys, since I'm going to meet Yeona again and I don't want to have to leave early because I forgot an appointment. Yeona and I have been texting for two days since I got her number and decided to meet again. I've really enjoyed texting with her, but talking in person is definitely better. 

Not wanting to disturb Chan any longer, since he's clearly working on songs I quickly leave his room. A glance at the time shows me that I should hurry if I don't want to be late. I quickly walk through the hall towards the front door when I bump into Felix. I quickly mutter a sorry before opening the front door. 

"You're going out? Can I join?" 

"Sorry Lix, next time maybe. Got to go, I'm late." I send him a quick wave before closing the door behind me and walking down the street in a hurried pace. Yeona and I had decided to just go for a walk through the city together. At first I was a bit worried, because me and the guys do occasionally get recognised when we're walking through the streets. Yeona doesn't know that I'm an kpop idol and I want to keep it that way for now. I want our friendship to be real and stable, before telling her this. I can only hope that I won't get recognised, to make that change as slim as possible, I made sure to wear some plain clothes so that I won't stand out too much.

The two of us planned to meet at the same place where we went separate ways last time. It's only a few minute walk from our dorm, so I'm almost there. It's just around the corner. While waiting for the light to switch to green, I check my phone to see if I'll make it on time. Just one more minute before it's ten AM, the time we agreed on. The light turns green and I quickly cross the street, turning around the corner to see Yeona leaning against the wall. As I'm walking closer she looks up from her phone, sending me a wave and a smile, while pushing her phone in her back-pocket. 

"You haven't been waiting long, right?" I quickly ask, not wanting her to be standing here for the past ten minutes. 

"No, just a few minutes, but that's my own fault, I was here too early." She sends me a smile before she starts walking and I quickly follow her. We just walk next to each other for a bit while talking about small things like our plans for this week. She happily talks about how she has a movie night planned with Hyeon in three days. She had told me about their movie nights before and I remember how she said that they were so much fun. She had explained to me how they always ate way to much candy and how they often missed parts of the movie because they got distracted, so a movie from an hour and an half could take them more than two hours to watch. While listening to her I realise that I don't really have plans, at least not ones I can tell her about without her finding out about my career.  

Yeona turns to me. "What about you-" Her eyes lock on something behind me, causing her to stop mid-sentence. I follow her gaze across the street to see a petting zoo. Turning back to her I watch how her eyes are sparkling and how bright her smile is. "Do you want to go?" 

"Can we?" Her smile becomes even brighter. I just nod, why not. A petting zoo is usually full of small children. The risk of me getting recognised is bigger out here than in there. She happily skips across the street and I follow close behind her. Waiting for me at the entrance she is almost bouncing up and down while looking over the fence at all the animals. "Look at that baby goat!" She says pointing at a small black and white goat with long ears. I have to admit, the goat does look adorable. I softly nudge her forward and we both walk into the petting zoo. 

Before I know it, Yeona is pulling me through a gate and into the pen with all the goats. She carefully walks up to the smaller goat she pointed at earlier, while my eyes scan for all the other goats. I've seen to many videos of goats bumping into people, causing them to fall, to trust these energetic animals. A brown goat, bigger than the one Yeona is petting, walks up to me, sniffing my shirt. I carefully give the goat a pet on the neck. They're not as soft as I expected, goats fur turns out to be quite rough. I feel something pulling my shirt and turn away from the brown goat only to find a white smaller goat trying to eat my shirt. "Ew, that's not food!" I quickly pull my shirt so that the goat lets go. There is a darker colored, wet spot in my shirt with a bit of goat drool hanging from it. 

Laughter from my right pulls my attention to Yeona. Her hand is covering her mouth, but the crinkles around her eyes give away that it was her who laughed at me. "Let's go, I don't like these goats." I say, softly pushing the head of the white goat away when it reaches for my shirt once more. Yeona just snickers, but follows after me, closing the gate behind us before walking up to the next pen. A small donkey catches her attention and she leans over the fence, offering the donkey her hand to smell. I quickly pull her arm back. "It might bite."

She just looks at me before shrugging. "They won't put it in a petting zoo if it did, but I'll take the risk." She stretches her arm again and the donkey presses it's nose against her hand. She slowly moves it to the side and softly pets the donkey. 

I lean down to pick some grass and hand it to the donkey, who gladly accepts it. Its tongue swirling around the grass to pull it into its mouth. His tongue moves around my fingers and I quickly pull back, dropping half of the grass along the way. "What do these animals have with licking me?" I say while wiping my hand clean with my shirt. 

"They must find you tasty." Yeona says snickering. "Can I have a try?" She leans down to my hand, her mouth wide open, ready to take a bite out of my fingers. 

I quickly hit her on the back of her head, making sure not to hit too hard. "Weirdo." She pouts at me while caressing the back of her head. I can't take her serious and burst out in laughter. It takes only a few seconds before she joins me and starts laughing as well. 

The donkey has already lost interest in us and is being fed by some kids, so we continue walking, stopping for a few minutes to watch some piglets playing and rolling around in the mud. I turn around do see some chickens in the distance, the small yellow balls of feathers catch my attention. "Do they have baby chicks?" 

Yeona follows my gaze towards the chickens and an 'Aawh' escapes her mouth before she walks towards them. She leans over the fence, picking one of them up and holding it with care. The little chick in her hands reminds me Felix's skzoo figure and I snicker softly. The yellow creature is looking at the two of us with its small bead eyes. "Can you take a picture, please? It's so cute." I pull out my phone, pointing the camera at Yeona. She holds her hands close by her face, so that the chick is at the same height of her face. She waits for me to take a photo before she turns and gives the little chick a soft kiss on its head. I quickly snap a picture, wanting to capture this moment. I flip the camera and stand next to Yeona to take one last picture, a selfie of us two with the chick between us. I quickly scan through the pictures, making sure they aren't blurry, while she carefully places the chick back in the pen. Yeona looks at my phone over my shoulder and gasps when she sees the picture of her kissing the chick. "You got that on camera? You have to send me that one!"  

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