2 - Lin Yeona

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Today's lectures have finally finished so I shove my stuff into my bag, not being able to get out of here fast enough. A quick glance at my phone shows me that if I run I might be able to reach the bus on time so I won't be late for work. I swing my bag onto my shoulders and take off, rushing between students, making sure not to hit anyone to hard. I speed up as soon as I'm outside, finally having the space to run without bumping into anyone.

As I'm running through the gates, leaving the college building behind me, my phone starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket while I keep running. My screen lights up with the name 'Nemo' on it. He's my best friend, his name isn't Nemo, it's my nickname for him. For some reason I always lose him in crowds, so I just changed his name to Nemo, like the clown-fish in the movie. I roll my eyes at my phone. He knows I don't have time, yet he probably wants to hang out. I pick up the phone, still running for my life hoping to reach the bus stop on time.

"Hey Hyeon." I managed to get out between my gasps for air. My legs are burning, you'd think that my legs would be used to this by now, since I run like this every week, yet they seem to complain each time I start running.

"Are you still at school?" He is silent for a bit before continuing: "Nevermind, you sound like you're almost dying. Is running that hard?" I can hear him laughing on the other side of the phone.

"Do you have anything to ask or did you just call to hear me struggling?" I snap at him jokingly while crossing the street, making sure no cars are coming.

"I just wanted to call to make sure you really don't have time tonight. There is this great movie I wanted to see with you. But hearing you dying on the other side is a great bonus." He snickers.

I can't help but stop smiling. I know how much he wants to hang out, and so do I, but I'm so busy these days. "I can't, I'm sorry. I've got to get to work right now and when I'm done I still need to study."

"That's okay, have fun at work and don't sleep too late." He says before ending the call. I could hear his disappointment even though he tried to hide it. I sigh before turning around the corner. The bus is already standing at the bus stop so I sprint the final meters and manage to reach the bus just in time.

I sit down on a chair next to the window, panting while leaning my head against the window and watching the suburbs pass by. I close my eyes and feel the bumps in the road vibrate through my body. I try to keep my mind empty, not in the mood of feeling guilty, but I can't seem to keep the thoughts away. Silence is something that doesn't seem to exist in my head. My thoughts slowly fade until they reach the topic I don't want to think about. Work. More importantly, the reason why I work so much.

I live together with my mom in a small house not too far away from college. My dad is working in LA and I almost never see him. I don't dislike him because of his far away job, he is still a good dad, I just miss him a lot. Dad sends us cheque's each month with the money he can miss. This is always enough for us to pay rent, but not more than that. Mom needs to work a lot to make enough money for us to live normally. A month ago she almost collapsed from working so much so I finally stepped in. I managed to convince her to work less, promising her that I'd make the money she would miss out on by working shorter days.

So ever since then I've been so busy. Every day is a repeat of the day before, school, work, study, sleep. My mom doesn't know this though, she would never allow it. She wants me to go out with friends, to have fun and enjoy life. But I can't risk her overworking herself, so I never told her. She thinks I'm hanging out with Hyeon or studying at the library, yet here I am on my way to work.

- - -

The shift at the restaurant felt even longer than usual, making this day seem like it never comes to an end. I bought some food on the way and just ate the final bite as I'm walking into my neighbourhood. Just a few more blocks and I'll be home. My body is exhausted from all the running, walking and serving people. Thankfully I only need my mind for studying.

As I'm walking into our apartment I hear my mom talking to someone on the phone. I don't have the energy to wonder about who it is so I just walk up to her, giving her a hug from behind and a small peck on her cheek to let her know I'm home, before walking up the stairs to my room. As soon as the door is closed behind me I flop down on my bed, dropping my bag on the way, before closing my eyes and just letting all the weight fall from my shoulders.

Flipping over to my stomach I grab my phone to text Hyeon that I'm home. It's a routine we started years ago and it kind of stuck. We both feel more at ease knowing when the other is safe at home. It doesn't take him long to respond and we chat a bit.


I'm back from work.

Did you have a good shift?

I guess, I got a few tips more than usual.

Really? After you almost died from running?

Shut up!
It sounded worse than it was.

Yeah, sure...

I'm gonna study now, see you at school tomorrow?

Of course!
Seen at 22.03

I toss my phone beside me before rolling over until I reach the side of my bed. My bag is still on the floor where I dropped it. An annoyed sigh escapes my mouth when my bag is just out of reach, forcing me to leave the comfort of my bed behind. I pull my books out of my bag, spreading them out on my bed as well as my laptop. After making sure I have everything I settle in the middle of my bed, books all around me.

I open a book and start reading only to find that I forgot to actually remember the text, so I have to start over again. I reread the same paragraph, yet the words don't seem to stay in my head. I make some notes of the part that I keep forgetting, but even after writing it down the information still seems impossible to remember. Annoyed I fall backwards, my back hitting the hard corners of a few books, which results in me throwing them across the room with an annoyed groan, soft enough to not be heard by my mom.

It feels as if the walls are closing in on me while my head is working faster than ever, my thoughts rushing through my mind not allowing me any space to think properly.

I need to get out of here.

Pushing myself to my feet I leave my room in silence, not wanting my mom to hear me. I carefully sneak down the stairs, making sure to skip the last step, knowing that it creaks. I slowly open the front door with one hand while grabbing my jacked with the other. To my satisfaction the door doesn't make a sound and I manage to sneak out without being seen. I lean the back of my head against the front door, closing my eyes and calming my nerves.

Where am I going? I should've thought about that before leaving, yet here I am. Maybe the grasslands behind the forest just a few blocks away? I've been there plenty of times, not when it's dark, but that won't make a difference right?

I start walking towards the forest when I realise how dark it actually is. In the forest there won't be any streetlights to light the way. Should I let Hyeon know where I'm going? It's safer to do so, but then he'll probably join me and I really need some space right now.

I shake my thoughts away and step off the paved road and onto the sandy path leading through the woods.

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