He turned to his army of wizards and witches. They were roughly six hundred strong, plenty enough to take a school of children. He didn't know that some of such children were waiting for him, or that they were trained like a barmy bunch of bastards.

Upon his order, his army fired at the ward. Hundreds of spells connected with the ancient magic at once. It took several minutes of spell fire until the protections gave a groan of magic before flickering. They slowly died away.

The army of Death Eaters marched on Hogwarts. It took several long minutes to walk the path and grounds. Voldemort stopped roughly a hundred meters from the Castle as he saw the awaiting children and professors.

He lifted his ivory white wand to his throat "I'm a benevolent lord, so I shall give you all this one chance to surrender to me. I only want Harry Potter and his family," He called loudly.

The strong voice of Harry answered him, "You want me? Fine. We are wizards, not common animals. I owe you a rematch from that graveyard."

His voice was angry and held power.

"Dolohov, you are to lead the those with my Mark. You are to deal with all that attempt to get in my way," He removed his wand from his throat. "Lucius, you will lead my army upon the Castle itself. The beasts will be upon them soon, add to such chaos."

"Yes, my Lord," They answered him with happiness and excitement in their tones.

Voldemort was still very angry over the loss of Bellatrix. Now was time to Potter why he was nothing but a boy.


Harry was followed by his Knights as he strode forward. They were all donned in their many armors. He could see the faces of Alecto and Amycus Carrow. Of Lucius Malfoy. Antonin Dolohov. He saw the visage of the Lestrange brothers.

He also thought that Lady Crabbe and Goyle deserved medals for laying with their uglier-than-sin berks of husbands. He was thankful that their sons held some visage if their mothers, he wouldn't have been able to stomach their faces otherwise.

Harry and Riddle were given a wide breadth of range from their followers and friends. They were given roughly thirty meters of space and stood several meters apart.

"After you fall today," Riddle began. "I'm going to take my rightful claim from you. I'm going to take your titles for my own and wear them as trophies."

His voice held a hint of mad laughter. Harry remained a stoic visage.

"Your claim of Heir of Slytherin was always a misunderstanding on your part," Harry explained.

Riddle snapped sharply, "And what would you know, boy? I am of Salazar Slytherin, the fact I am a Parselmouth is proof enough."

"Allow me to give you a history lesson," Harry said evenly. "You are of Salazar Slytherin Junior, a nameless boy who was adopted for sharing the ability and given the name of his father. He held no blood ties to the House of Slytherin."

"Salazar did have an Heir though, well Heiress. She was of the Evanshade family and kept secret. The Evanshades and Slytherins were merged and eventually became the Evans."

The gears within Riddle's mind were spinning quickly. "You lie!" He said madly as he threw a spell at Harry.

Harry dodged the spell but continued talking, "Jamison Russel Evans was Heir Slytherin! Lily Potter nee Evans was Heiress Evanshade! If my parents had taken their titles they would have been Lord Slytherin and Lady Evanshade!"

He continued to dodge spell fire. It kicked off the war around him. His friends began to clash with the Death Eaters that faced them. The army of followers raged loudly as they began on the castle.

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