Chapter Twenty

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I entered the half-finished barn, my heart beating fast. I adjusted my cowgirl hat, tilting it farther down over my face to block out the bright lights that were strung all along the walls. The roof had not been put up yet, and the full moon shone brightly, casting a pale light on the plywood dance floor that had been brought in.

I looked across the room trying not to get my hopes up. I knew Orion wouldn't be at the town dance. I hadn't even bothered to go and see if he wanted to ride with me. Although he had promised to come, I wasn't sure whether he would keep his promise after the conversation we had. I was never sure what to expect from him. Tugging on the sleeve of my long blue flannel, I tried to ignore my disappointment when I didn't find him.

The crowd of dancers had grown large, the music upbeat and loud as the people cheered when the band played a familiar song. Seeing two of my friends, I made my way past several checkered tables until I reached them in the far corner next to the dance floor. Susie and Ashley sat sipping sodas and checking out a guy at the table next to them. I smiled as I sat down. "Is he your new eye candy?" I teased.

"No," Susie said defensively. "I like Mark. Ashley here is the one drooling." Susie was a short quirky girl with long beautiful black hair that was pulled back in two braids, her eyes a dark green. She lived on a farm close to our Ranch. I'd known her my whole life and found her calm presence a good balance to Ashley's bright chaotic energy.

"Oh please, Susie. You spotted him first. I saw you taking in the nice view." Ashley rolled her bright blue eyes, tilting her head full of long blond locks to the side. She was the more confident of the two.

"I have eyes. Anyone can see that he is gorgeous, but Mark and I are pretty serious, so he is all yours," Susie insisted.

"Thank you. That is exactly what I was after," Ashley said sarcastically, "your blessing."

I laughed. "You two are crazy. Always on the hunt."

"Well at least I have someone, and Ashley here goes out on regular dates. But you Alina, don't even try." Susie looked at me with worried eyes. "I want you to find someone. And I don't mean someone you can call a friend. You've friend-zoned every boy in town. Someone you can love."

"Something tells me that she already has," Ashley said observing me, her eyes glinting with excitement. 

If anyone could read me like a book it was Ashley. "A tall, handsome boy from class perhaps? A rancher guy who isn't easily dissuaded by your sassy remarks, maybe? Are you finally willing to admit that you aren't dying from a disease, but from being lovesick?"

I laughed, but it came out hollow, fake. "What?" I scoffed, trying to not look utterly flustered as I shook my head. "Why would you think that?" I asked innocently, hoping that for once in my life that my terrible lying ability wouldn't get me caught before I was ready to admit anything.

"Your eyes. They always tell the story. You've been scanning this barn looking for him ever since you first walked in the door. And look! Now you're blushing." 

Ugh. I hate how easy I blush. It always gives me away.

"What's his name?" Susie asked intrigued. They both leaned in, waiting for me to say something. 

I wasn't sure what to say. Yes, I like Orion, but that doesn't change the fact that he has suddenly become a jerk overnight. Or the fact that he is going to be leaving town. Or the fact that him being around me is dangerous to my sanity. But as I looked at my friends, eager to learn more, I gave in. I wanted to tell someone, even if I could only share small bits.

"His name is Orion."

"Yes?" a beautiful voice asked behind me. 

Turning, I looked into those black eyes that I had begun to fall in love with and had to fight back another blush. He wore a cowboy hat over his jet-black hair. The streaks of color that often filled his hair were nowhere in sight. He wore a dark blue flannel shirt that was striking against his dark skin. He wore boot cut jeans with dark brown cowboy boots. He looked the part but pulled it off better than anyone else in the room. He looked more like he belonged here than I did.

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