Chapter Eleven

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I felt nervous, butterflies skittering across my ribcage as I stood before the mirror in my bedroom staring at myself in a dress, one moment away from throwing up in a trash can. I wasn't a dress kind of girl. I was a flannel-wearing, mud-covered, lasso wielding kinda girl. But I didn't think wearing flannel when singing this particular song would be the best tribute. 

So I had burrowed through my closet and discovered that... I didn't own a dress. I wasn't much of a shopper. I was wearing one of my mom's baby blue wrap dresses and looked so much like her as I stared in the mirror, that it had taken me several long moments before I could move away. It left me stunned, my heart aching for someone I couldn't get back.

My hair fell in styled loose curls around my face, making me feel vulnerable. I never left my hair down for very long. 

Maybe this is too much. Maybe I should have just worn the flannel. I debated with myself the entire way back to the tents after changing, my brown cowgirl boots crunching through the gravel and grass as I walked. 

I wasn't sure if I made the right decision, until Orion, who had agreed to meet me at the entrance to the singing competition tent stopped in his tracks, seeming to stiffen, frozen in place. He looked me over, his mouth slightly open as a breath left him. His eyes sparked with purple light. The parts of his hair that weren't covered by his hat lit with purple sparks for a moment.

Then composing himself he walked towards me, the color washing away. "You look different." 

I rolled my eyes. "I know. Nothing like a ranch girl. I actually look beautiful," I said laughing, hoping to make the entire conversation less awkward.

He shook his head. "No. You always look beautiful. Just a different kind of beautiful." 

He looked away for a moment, seeming surprised by his own words, jaw clenched. I stared, startled, unsure of what to say. 

Orion cleared his throat. "Are you ready?"

My stomach squeezed itself in a chokehold as we walked backstage, the sound of a duet filling the tent with a sweet melody. "No. I feel like I am gonna throw up."

"If you get nervous, just look at me," he said calmly. "I'll be right there with you." The stage lights cut across his face, creating sharp shadows along his jaw.

"Cool. So you're okay if I throw up on you then?" I placed my hands on my rib cage, trying to calm myself, trying to suck in air.

"I would prefer if you didn't. But if it will help... I guess I can wear a tarp." He grinned. I felt my heartbeat quicken under his gaze, under the realization of what I was about to do. I wasn't ready. I needed to get my heart to stop doing that. 

Growing serious, I gave him a sharp nod, finding it hard to breathe as the song on stage came to an end. It was almost time. "I appreciate you helping me, but as soon as the song is over I am going back to ignoring you. Unless you want to start answering my questions." 

I fixed him with a hard stare, doing my best to distract myself from the fact that I was about to go embarrass myself in front of hundreds of people.

He smiled, his eyes brightening, causing me to catch my breath. The audience cheered as the two singers took their bow. "Fine by me. Ignoring it is." I scoffed. "Hey." His voice shifted, taking on a strong calm, his eyes softening. "You can do this, Alina." 

I really hope so.

As I heard my name called, I forced one foot in front of the other until I was on stage, blinded for a moment by the bright stage lights. Striding up to the microphone before I could second guess myself, I shook off the desire to pass out. That would be worse than sucking at performing. Keep it together, Alina. 

Star Chaserजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें