Chapter Ten

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Brandon Baker was bucked off of the wild bull at the five-second mark to a set of wild cheers, the crowed howling its approval. He had won the year before. 

That was the longest time so far. I was the only girl in the competition. I was next. 

I'm taking you down Baker boy. 

My dad sat in the stands next to Orion waving at me as I walked over to take my spot. Orion gave me a quick nod. I nodded back. And instead of shying away from his eyes, took comfort in the strength and determination there. I took a deep breath and allowed the world to wash away. This was my time. I had worked hard to get here, and I was going to finish what I had started.

All I could hear was my breathing, calm, and steady, blocking out the cheers of the watching crowed. I readied myself and jumped. It was perfect and I landed on the bulls back, holding on as he bucked angrily, enraged. 

He whipped around and I gripped the front of the rope with my left hand and used my right hand to keep me balanced. My focus was sharp, clear. The world around me blurred.

I was swung around over and over, the world softening until it was nothing more than a mess of distorted images. I kept my balance, ignoring the feeling of being on a tilt-a-whirl. He swung around several more times and I kept my grip tight, riding with the bull, refusing to part before I was ready. I heard the audience cheering but I pushed their sounds away, muffling them behind my own heartbeat.

I felt myself slipping and suddenly, I was thrown off the bull's back. I hit the ground, wrist first, and rolled out of the way. Pain shot through my wrist as I jumped to my feet and hoped over the fence as fast as I could. You don't stay close to a bull you just angered.

The audience cheered wildly as I finally allowed myself to take in everything around me, allowing the sounds of the world to crash back into place. I looked up and saw the clock. I had stayed on the bull for eight seconds. The longest I had ever done. My mouth fell open. 

It was the best time... I won? I won the Junior Bull Riding competition!

My dad crushed me into a hug, barreling into me so fast that for a second I thought that the bull broke through the fence. I felt his tears on my head. "Baby girl! I am so proud of you!" I pushed away so I could look up at him. His face was filled with unashamed tears.

"I did it?" I couldn't wrap my head around it. It didn't feel real. I had been working on it, had believed I could but now that it had happened it felt... surreal. 

"You did it! You had such amazing focus. You'll beat my best time by the time you hit the adult levels. And your grandfather's time!" He crushed me into another hug. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing as hard as I could, enjoying his near crushing embrace.

"I did it," I said, shocked. We both began to jump up and down, getting swept up in the victory, uncaring how we looked to the others around us. We pulled apart as a jolt of pain ran up my wrist again.

"You okay?" my dad asked, looking me over, suddenly protective.

I pulled my wrist to my chest. "Yeah, just my wrist. I think I sprained it."

"You won with a broken wrist? That's my girl! Nothing will stop her!" he bellowed to everyone around us.

I laughed. "Thanks, dad. I think it's just a sprain."

"Still impressive!" he shouted, his eyes bright with pride. Nothing could ruin that smile. 

Orion walked up then and tilted his hat down at me in greeting. I couldn't help it, I beamed at him. "I did it," I said again. My dad had charged off to brag to all of his friends. I could hear him shouting with joy. "Did you see it! My baby girl won! And with a broken arm!"

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