< chapter eight >

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"You have got to be kidding me," BamBam muttered.

Jackson pretended to be looking for something inside his bag, not willing to look up at his younger friend who was glaring at him.

"Won't you just tell her already?"
"She still doesn't know?"

BamBam face palmed.

"You're hopeless,"
"It's true, and you know it!"

Jackson sighed and straightened up.

"What exactly do you want me to do, then?"
"Be a man."
"I am one!"
"What, a man who can't confess?"

Sometimes, BamBam just really annoys Jackson so so much.

"How do you want me to confess, then?"
"I don't care how. Just do it."

With that, BamBam left his older friend and ran off to find Yugyeom and Youngjae. Jackson lowered his head and fixed his snapback.

"You seem quiet today," Jenny commented, taking BamBam's seat beside Jackson. "You okay? Are you sick or something?"
"I'm okay. Just thinking,"

She raised her eyebrows.

"Any problems you're facing?"

His problem was basically 'how to confess to a girl you like?'

"Hey, Jenny," he suddenly said.
"Do you like anyone right now?"

She nodded, unsure why he was suddenly asking this.

"How would you want to confess to him so you won't look like a total idiot?"
"I'd leave a note on his table when no one's looking...?" she said slowly. "Or.... Uh.... I've got nothing," she shook her head. "Sorry, Wang,"

Leave a note on her table when no one's looking...

Yeah, that could work.


"Youngjae-yah!" Jackson shouted, pounding on Youngjae's apartment door.

It took Youngjae three minutes to get to the door.

"What?" he muttered, his eyes half closed and his hair tousled.
"Did I wake you up...?" Jackson asked.
"Curse you,"
"But anyway, Youngjae, can you do me a favor?"
"It's not like I have a choice, right?"

Jackson smiled slightly.

"What do you want?"

He ignored Youngjae's rudeness. He did wake him up...

"Can you write a note for me?"

Youngjae was silent. Jackson supposed that was a sign for him to continue speaking.

"I'll text you what you're going to write, but will you? Please?"
"Yeah, sure," Youngjae mumbled. "Just go away and let me sleep,"
"Great! Thanks, Jae!" Jackson clapped him on the shoulder, smiling widely.

Youngjae didn't reply and shut the door.

"Good night to you, too," Jackson sighed and looked at his watch.


"No wonder Youngjae was asleep," he said to himself. "It's nearly midnight already,"

Then he made his way back to his own house twenty minutes away, typing on his phone the words he wanted Youngjae to wrote for him.

Writing the note himself would be a total give away. She knew his handwriting so well. If he asked BamBam to do it for him, he would be called a coward for not using his own handwriting. If he asked Mark or Yugyeom, they'd tell BamBam about it. She knew JB's and Inhyung's, and he wasn't exactly friendly with Jr.

So naturally, he came to Youngjae.

The next day, when he saw Youngjae at school, he handed Jackson the folded piece of paper without speaking. But Jackson being the cheerful guy he was, didn't mind Youngjae's behavior.

"What's that?" Mark asked, slinging his arm around Jackson.
"Nothing," he said quickly, putting it in his pocket but before he could do so, Mark snatched it away from him and unfolded the paper, scanning it.

Mark raised his eyebrows at Jackson as he returned it.

"Care to explain?"

He made a face before starting to tell Mark about it. When he finished, his friend was staring at him with a disbelieving yet highly amused expression on his face.

"It seems like you want her to think Youngjae likes her instead of you. Or you want her to merely guess who you are, but I don"t think she'll guess it's you, but Youngjae instead. Since Youngjae wrote it."

Jackson's mouth dropped open.

"You actually have a point," he paused to look at the paper he was holding. "But I can't just throw this away. I woke him up at a quarter to midnight last night..."

Mark smirked.


I'm soooo sorry I didn't update this for around a month :( I know this short chapter wasn't much but what do you think of it?

Miss Idiot : Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now