< chapter two >

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"You're dancing really well!" he clapped, smiling brightly. She pushed her hair away from her face and smiled back.
"I practiced,"
"Well that explains it,"

She laughed and took his phone from him, playing a different song.

"Your turn now,"

They had nothing to do so they were just dancing together on the rooftop. After a few more songs, Youngjae joined them with Yugyeom, and the four of them ended up having a dance battle. Two against two.

"Fine, you win," Yugyeom gave up. Jenny laughed and smiled at him.
"Thank you, Yugyeom,"
"It's not my fault I don't dance a lot," Youngjae said defensively.
"No one's accusing you, Youngjae," Jackson said.

She laughed again. She really found Youngjae and his reactions extremely adorable. According to some girls she had overheard talking, Youngjae was apparently 'the physical embodiment of sunshine and rainbows' because of his cheerfulness and adorability.

"You're so cute, Youngjae-yah,"

His cheeks immediately turned pink and he lowered his head, mumbling inaudibly. Jackson shot her a glare.

"Why are you flirting with Youngjae?"
"I'm not!"

Jackson rolled his eyes and turned to Yugyeom, who was watching the two of them like they were an extremely interesting basketball game.

"Should we go?"

Youngjae bit back a laugh and that caused Jackson to hit him on the back of his head. Youngjae winced and rubbed the back of his head, moving away from Jackson and closer to Jenny.

A smile formed on her face as Jackson made a face in Youngjae's direction.

"Hey, Wang," she said.
"Yes?" he asked nicely.
"Do you want to go bother someone else?"

Even though they've been each other's only companion for three days, she still couldn't understand him most of the time. He was really unpredictable...

Jackson's phone suddenly rang and he answered it. He talked for a while, his voice becoming more surprised and scared before hanging up, grabbing Youngjae's arm and pulling him away without a word.

She looked at them go, wondering what happened.

"What was that about?" she wondered aloud.
"I'm betting it's Inhyung," Yugyeom answered her. "Her condition..."
"What condition?"

Yugyeom started to tell her about Inhyung's condition, her sickness where in time, she might not be able to use her legs anymore. He guessed that was why Jackson just dragged Youngjae and left.

"I never knew that..."

Yugyeom shrugged and stood there silently.

It was night time before Jackson contacted her again, apologizing for not saying anything before going. When she asked him what had happened, he explained quite truthfully about Joo Inhyung.

"So Yugyeom was right,"
"You asked him?"
"Why did you bother asking me, then?"

Typical Jackson.

"So... Do you wanna go out?"
"At this time?"

It was almost midnight already...


She laughed softly and he let out his usual hyena laugh, she swore she heard it nearby.

"You up for it, Lee Jenny?"
"Hm... Maybe next time,"

She didn't like going out when it was almost midnight already, and besides, she still had homework to finish. Her phone still pressed to her, she scribbled down a few more answers to the following questions before he spoke again.

"Don't you want to go out with me?"
"E-excuse me?!"

He laughed at her reaction.

"Aw, Jenny... You know what I mean by that,"

Of course she knew that he didn't mean it like going out on a date or anything, but still... His choice of words, though correct, surprised her.

"I know, but why on earth do you want to go out at this time?"
"Nighttime is always the best time to go out! No one's up and the night is bright! And- oh, hey, that rhymed!"

What the...

"Pleaseeeee," he whined. "Let's just go out,"
"Aish..." she muttered. "Fine then! Just let me finish my homework! Where are you, anyway?"
"Look out your window,"

She got up and looked straight out of her window. She turned around and spoke into her phone.

"What are you saying..."
"No, I mean, look out of your window and look down, idiot,"

How dare he call her idiot? But nonetheless, she did as he told her to.

"Oh my god..." she said, letting out a laugh.

He was there. Standing at the spot where a person would immediately see him if they just looked down. He waved at her, his bright smile on his face like usual.

"You're unbelievable!" she laughed.
"Should we go?"

She nodded and smiling, she closed her book, making a mental note to finish all her remaining homework later, and she put on a pair of sneakers, running down the stairs to meet him.

"Before we go, how did you know where I live?"

She never recalled bringing him to her house or even telling him where she lived. So how exactly did he know? He smiled innocently and put his arm around her shoulder.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out,"


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